Judge Bell grants most ACLU complaints; Flint voters still holding their breath with election season underway
By Tom Travis Flint voters have been given some reassurance about safeguarding election processes by the 7th Circuit Court, where Judge Celeste Bell has granted the bulk of the relief sought by the American Civil Liberties Unions (ACLU) and five Flint voters against Flint City Clerk Inez Brown. In the end, after a series of…
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Pipeline replacement deadline Sept. 18, FNU reminds residents; census, blight, COVID testing, placemaking also discussed
By Coner Segren Reminders of the Sept. 18 pipeline replacement deadline, COVID-19 testing sites, the census, placemaking projects featuring porches, and ongoing efforts against blight were the main topics of discussion of the Sept. 12 meeting of Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU) conducted via Zoom because of the pandemic. The meeting was moderated by Theresa Roach,…
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Flint voters experience troubled waters of democracy leading up to Nov. 3 election
By Tom Travis What is the prospect for accurate and reliable voting for the people of Flint as the Nov. 3 election approaches? Several recent developments focusing on the Flint City Clerk’s office are attempting to assure access and trustworthy handling of absentee ballots and election procedures for the high-stakes election. City Hall Shuts Down…
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Flint Schools eventfully roll into new school year: lawsuits settled, sports cancelled, student no-shows
By Harold C. Ford Events in August kickstarted the 2020-21 school year for Flint Community Schools in a most newsworthy fashion. The settlement of two longstanding lawsuits brought by the American Civil Liberties Union had important ramifications for Flint’s schoolchildren. All fall sports have been canceled. Fewer than 50% of Flint’s students showed up for class at the…
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City Clerk announces 11,000 absentee ballots issued and 3,500 ballots have been returned; Clerk says her office is “sincere”, “honest” and “working hard 24/7”
By Tom Travis City Clerk Inez Brown attempted to assure the community that her office is “honest, sincere and working hard 24/7” to see that the voting process is carried out. In a press conference held in the lobby of Flint City Hall Tuesday morning Brown announced that 11,455 absentee ballots have been issued…
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Judge rules in favor of voters’ rights and calls for accountability in City Clerk’s office
By Tom Travis Voters’ rights and prospects for proper processing of absentee ballot applications and ballots received a shot in the arm Thursday from Judge Celeste Bell of the 7th Circuit Court. Bell ruled in favor of a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) ordering the Flint City Clerk to comply with several…
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Local ACLU fires off complaint to the Mayor and City Clerk; mail-in and absentee ballots in question
By Tom Travis The City of Flint is not complying with absentee balloting requirements approved by Michigan voters, Greater Flint American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) officials claimed Tuesday in a letter of complaint to Mayor Sheldon Neeley and Flint City Clerk Inez Brown. The letter, titled Flint’s “Disenfranchisement of Absentee Voters,” said the Flint City…
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School board to meet on deficit elimination plan, school closings Tuesday, Nov. 19
By Harold C. Ford The Board of Education of the Flint Community Schools (FCS) will hold a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19, at Southwestern Classical Academy, 1420 W. 12th St., to consider a controversial deficit elimination plan. The plan is expected to result in the closure of several buildings in the financially…
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