Tag: Alec Gibbs
Judge Bell grants most ACLU complaints; Flint voters still holding their breath with election season underway
By Tom Travis Flint voters have been given some reassurance about safeguarding election processes by the 7th Circuit Court, where Judge Celeste Bell has granted the bulk of the relief sought by the American Civil Liberties Unions (ACLU) and five Flint voters against Flint City Clerk Inez Brown. In the end, after a series of…
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Judge rules in favor of voters’ rights and calls for accountability in City Clerk’s office
By Tom Travis Voters’ rights and prospects for proper processing of absentee ballot applications and ballots received a shot in the arm Thursday from Judge Celeste Bell of the 7th Circuit Court. Bell ruled in favor of a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) ordering the Flint City Clerk to comply with several…
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City Clerk and City of Flint respond to ACLU complaint about absentee ballot/voters rights concerns
By Tom Travis In response to a complaint filed in the Genesee County Circuit Court Thursday by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Michigan and five Flint residents, City Clerk Inez Brown has announced 24-hour access to a secured absentee ballot drop box now installed in front of City Hall, 1101 S. Saginaw Street,…
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Fair and Equal Michigan announce kick-off event to amend Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act
Fair and Equal Michigan announces a Genesee County Kick-off event to recruit people for circular training and to become knowledgeable about the Elliott Larsen Civil Rights Act. The event will take place from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday, March 13. at Asbury united Methodist Church, 1653 Davison Rd., Flint. The special speaker will be local…
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Education Beat: Flint’s public schools face existential challenges
By Harold C. Ford “Education is the great equalizer…You can never bring families to Flint unless we improve the schools.” …Dana Dyson, Flint resident, Flint Board of Education meeting, Jan. 23, 2020 After seven meetings of its board of education in the first three weeks of calendar year 2020, Flint Community Schools (FCS) face an…
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School board to meet on deficit elimination plan, school closings Tuesday, Nov. 19
By Harold C. Ford The Board of Education of the Flint Community Schools (FCS) will hold a special meeting at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 19, at Southwestern Classical Academy, 1420 W. 12th St., to consider a controversial deficit elimination plan. The plan is expected to result in the closure of several buildings in the financially…
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Motion to prevent hiring ombudsperson denied; process moving forward
By Melodee Mabbitt Seventh Judicial Circuit Court Judge F. Kay Behm denied a motion to prevent the hiring of an ombudsperson filed by Linda Pohly, a Flint resident with a complaint before the court alleging that the City of Flint failed to follow the Open Meetings Act, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and the Flint…
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City of Flint facing allegations of failure to follow Open Meetings Act, FOIA and City Charter
By Melodee Mabbitt An attempt to follow the story of Flint’s pipeline replacement led a Flint resident to file a complaint to Genesee County Circuit Court, now under consideration by Judge Kay Behm, alleging that the City of Flint failed to follow the Open Meetings Act, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and the Flint City…
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Democracy at heart of how “Flint Fights Back,” author Ben Pauli says
By Paul Rozycki At the recent launch of his new book Flint Fights Back: Environmental Justice and Democracy in the Flint Water Crisis, activist and Kettering University Professor Benjamin Pauli contended that the loss of democracy and the struggle of Flint activists to reclaim and ferociously exercise it, is at the heart of the Flint…
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