Tag: Allan Griggs
Flint City Council meeting marked by failed attempt to remove Mays, postponed business, racial accusations
By Melodee Mabbitt and Tom Travis Rather than working on agenda items, Flint’s City Council instead fought amongst themselves at all of the committee meetings leading up to Monday’s regular council meeting. What resulted was a seven-hour long city council meeting marked by a failed attempt to remove Councilperson Eric Mays, council members being removed…
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Flint City Council kicks off 2020 with chaos, yelling, members stalking out early, no work done
By Tom Travis and Melodee Mabbitt Returning from the season of “Peace On Earth and Good Will To All” the City of Flint’s legislative body disintegrated into chaos and utter dysfunction at its first meeting of 2020. The City Council’s meeting Wednesday was a finance committee meeting with a 16-page agenda. The committee room was overflowing with…
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City Council beat: Hurley bonds, Gleason subpoena, drama and more
By Luther Houle Highlights from the Dec. 9 Flint City Council meeting included endorsement of up to $55 million in bonds for Hurley Medical Center, a vote to subpoena County Clerk John Gleason, and a response to – and a defense of – the drama witnessed at last week’s finance committee meeting. Up to $55…
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City Council Beat: Water shutoff fee removed, city administrator and EAB appointees approved
By Tom Travis and Luther Houle A $75 fee for water shutoffs in Flint has been eliminated by unanimous vote of the Flint City Council. After the vote on ending the fee, proposed by Councilperson Eva Worthing (9th Ward) the audience of about 50 applauded. Worthing explained, “I’m a single mom… I have my parents,…
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Galloway elected Flint city council president, Mays vice president
By Luther Houle Following Mayor Neeley’s swearing-in at City Hall, Flint City Council held its own election at 5 p.m. Monday Nov. 11 to decide who would lead council meetings in the coming year. Seventh Ward Councilperson Monica Galloway was elected president, with First Ward Councilperson Eric Mays chosen vice president. He also will head…
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Flint City Council committee meeting yields single vote, yelling, call to police
By Tom Travis The Flint City Council’s Legislative Committee was the only committee to meet on Wednesday night, the day of the week when the council meets, usually outside the council chamber in a side room, to carry out various functions and consider resolutions in subcommittees. A single resolution about selling and growing recreational marijuana…
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Council gets crime summary, considers anti-bullying and pot policies and Chevy Commons purchase
By Tom Travis The Flint City Council last week considered anti-bullying and pot policies for city employees, tabled a proposal for Genesee County to purchase Chevy Commons, and heard a plea for more resources for the Flint Police Department. The work occurred as the council convened as two specialized “committees of the whole,” the legislative…
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Commentary: A funny thing happened on the way to the election
By Paul Rozycki Note: This column has been updated for a correction via City Clerk Inez Brown: it was the city’s Finance Department that initially omitted the $320,000 in the budget for this year’s election, not the City Council–Ed. For most cities, villages, and townships, an election is a pretty routine thing. Candidates file, their…
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Mayor vetoes City Council budget on $267,000 difference, override vote attempt set
By Meghan Christian and Jan Worth-Nelson A version of a 2018-2019 city budget proposal calling for eight amendments approved six to three June 4 by the Flint City Council was vetoed Monday by Mayor Karen Weaver. The $267,000 difference in what the council wants and what the Mayor wants represents one half of one percent…
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