Tag: American Red Cross
$46 million in stimulus funds land in city’s coffers: online survey asks Flint residents what to do with it
By Tom Travis A check for $46 million was deposited into the City of Flint’s bank account last Wednesday, according to the city’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Shelbi Frayer. It is the first payment from the federal government’s American Rescue Plan stimulus money. Recently the U.S. Treasury updated the amount Flint would receive from $99…
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Book Review: “Standpipe–Delivering Water to Flint” an ode to one man’s witness of troubled times
By Jan Worth-Nelson I was prepared to dislike and resent David Hardin’s new book, Standpipe: Delivering Water in Flint. I expected to rail against it and pronounce my irritation with the tedious audacity of yet another out-of-towner carpetbagging into town and making something of the Flint Water Crisis for their own aggrandizement. Hardin, David Standpipe: Delivering…
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