Tag: Anita Steward
Education Beat: District Superintendent Steward reprimanded by Flint School Board; she responds
By Harold C. Ford “I’m just so happy we got the homegrown girl. I think this is going to be beneficial for our district.” — Carol McIntosh, Flint school board trustee, June 25, 2020, upon the appointment of Anita Steward to the Flint Schools superintendent position “I don’t feel like this board is being respected.…
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Education Beat Op-Ed: Put Flint kids first — say YES now to Flint Education Continuum
By Harold C. Ford ‘”Noli equi dentes inspicere donate.” (“Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth”) …Latin text of St. Jerome, The Letter to the Ephesians, circa AD 400 “Shame on you, Mr. Ford.” …Laura MacIntyre, treasurer, Flint Board of Education (FBOE), Apr. 21, 2021 I am a progressive. My 56-year resume of social…
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Education Beat: Flint students to return to school buildings March 15 and March 22; decision prompts tension among board members
By Harold C. Ford “Parents are upset because we keep changing the date for school.” –Diana Wright, trustee, Flint Board of Education, March 10, 2021 The board of education of Flint Community Schools (FCS) approved an administrative plan for returning students to school buildings on a hybrid basis beginning March 15 with K-3 students. All…
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Education Beat: Flint schools will not reopen to students Feb. 22: district does about face
By Harold C. Ford Following a raucous board of education meeting lasting more than three hours, officials of Flint Community Schools (FCS) decided buildings would not reopen to students on Feb. 22 as previously announced. (See Feb. 19 public statement from FCS superintendent Anita Steward at this link and printed below.) This follows months of…
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Education Beat Flint Community Schools board approves plan for return to buildings in unsteady start of new era
By Harold C. Ford “I’m sure looking forward to great things from the board.” –David Guinn, Judge, 67th District Court, Genesee County, comment at start of Jan. 20 meeting “This meeting has been very, very confusing…If you’re confused, then you know the general public is confused.” –A.C. Dumas, vice president, NAACP Flint Branch, comment at…
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Education Beat: Flint Community Schools reopening plans starting Jan. 18 announced; board elects new officers
By Harold C. Ford Flint Community Schools (FCS) Superintendent Anita Steward announced she will present a plan for reopening schools to staff and students for face-to-face/brick-and-mortar instruction at the FCS school board’s next regular meeting Jan. 20. She said FCS staff members would be called back to the buildings the week of Jan. 18 while…
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Education Beat: As pandemic numbers surge, student return to Flint schools not likely, officials say
By Harold C. Ford “I don’t think that students will be returning to school in the 2020 school year.” –Anita Steward, Flint Community Schools superintendent, Oct. 21, 2020 As pandemic numbers surge in Flint, Anita Steward, Flint Community Schools (FCS) superintendent, told the FCS Board of Education Oct. 21 that students will not likely return…
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Mixed signals from state lead to multi-pronged plan for reopening Flint schools
By Harold C. Ford “If we have to go back to school next week, we’ll be ready.” —Anita Steward, superintendent, Flint Community Schools, Oct. 13, 2020 Anita Steward, superintendent of Flint Community Schools (FCS), presented a multi-pronged plan for the possible reopening of schools on a face-to-face/brick-and-mortar basis to the FCS Board of Education’s Governance…
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Flint School Board to close Northwestern except for Central Kitchen
By Harold C. Ford “The big question: What to do with Northwestern?” … Carrie Sekelsky, FCS executive director of finance, Sept. 9, 2020 “N-Dub” is the nickname proud graduates of Flint’s Northwestern High School often use to reference their alma mater, including a former colleague of this writer. Wildcat pride has been obscured, however, by…
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Today is “Count Day” for Flint Schools; “We want to make sure that all of our scholars are online, engaged, and connected.”…Anita Steward, Flint Community Schools superintendent
By Harold C. Ford “Wednesday, October 7 – Count Day”: That’s the message that greets visitors to the website of Flint Community Schools (FCS) as the number of students present and accounted for on this day will determine the initial amount of state aid received by local school districts in the state of Michigan. “Every…
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