Tag: Black Lives Matter
“Sons: Seeing the Modern African American Male” exhibition opens at the Flint Institute of Arts
By Tom Travis Aiming to go beyond a photographic study, photographer Jerry Taliaferro hopes his exhibit will help the community explore “perceptions and biases” towards Black men. “Recent events point to the urgent need for conversations about the contemporary Black American male,” Taliaferro said in a press release accompanying the show. “Any effort, however humble,…
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Mayor Neeley speaks about Breonna Taylor ruling; the community protests
By Tom Travis In a statement issued Friday, Mayor Sheldon Neeley denounced the outcome of the Breonna Taylor case, in which a grand jury ruled to not indict any of the officers involved in the shooting death of Taylor, 26, in her home in Louisville, Kentucky March 13. “It is such a deep and powerful pain…
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A comet, a COVID pandemic, and a summer of crisis. Is there any good news?
By Paul Rozycki This summer, astronomers have discovered a new presence among the stars, the Neowise comet, in the northern sky. It’s not a large comet, just visible under the Big Dipper. It has come closest to the earth in the middle of July, and has been observable for the last few weeks. Many ancient…
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Marchers rally in Flint Township to combat low wage and economic disparities
By Madeleine Graham Aiming to draw attention to low wages for essential workers and other economic disparities, about 30 people marched Monday from the Flint Genesee Mall former Sears auto shop to McDonald’s on Linden Road and onto the Michigan State Police Post on Corunna Road. Darris Thompson of Flint was identified as the “safety marshall…
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Police Oversight Commission a key step for those seeking change, Black Lives Matter leader, DeWaun Robinson says
By Tom Travis “We have an opportunity to change the course of history. This is for everyone that believes in the heart of humanity that wants to see change,” Black Lives Matter Flint leader DeWaun Robinson told East Village Magazine (EVM) in a recent phone interview. “We’re not talking about changes just for appeal change…
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Black Lives leader to Juneteenth crowd: “You’re part of a movement today, you’re gonna be a part of the progress tomorrow”
By Tom Travis “We are celebrating our history. This is for our tradition. This is for our heritage,” DeWaun Robinson, leader of Black Lives Matter Flint said to a crowd of about 200 today observing Juneteenth in Max Brandon Park at the corner of Pasadena and Dupont streets in the north end of Flint. The…
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“Team work makes the dream work” – Community comes together to paint Black Lives Matter on downtown Flint street
By Tom Travis Sandra Branch said that healing from racial divide and inequality comes through “unity and communication.” Gesturing towards the street, Branch added, “Just like you see right now. Everybody’s talking, everybody’s sharing, everybody’s working. We’re all working in cooperation.” “Team Work makes the dream work. The message is to be peaceful. This is…
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Flint Neighborhoods United receives info on response to protests, Land Bank details, blight and beautification grants
By Tammy Beckett Amid the pandemic and the outcries of the Black Lives Matter protests, Flint Neighborhoods United met via Zoom for its monthly meeting June 6, discussing how to tackle a wide range of problems, including systemic racism, blight and excessive force. More than 50 participants and community leaders from many Flint neighborhoods came…
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City Council hears from Sheriff Swanson and unanimously passes two resolutions for support of Black Lives Matter and to thwart Police Brutality
By Tom Travis The City Council considered two resolutions in response to the recent national outcry over George Floyd’s murder in Minneapolis: a resolution to declare Black Lives Matter and an ordinance for the duty of police officers to intervene in cases of police brutality. A resolution brought by the City Administration and Mayor Sheldon…
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Peaceful protestors at City Hall grieve deaths of Black victims, demand transformation
By Tom Travis A crowd of hundreds, many in masks, gathered on the lawn of Flint City Hall Monday night, the peaceful protest one in a series of weekend protests in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. State and local politicians and a stream of local activists spoke to a racially mixed crowd…
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