Tag: Bryant Nolden
New Police Chief Terence Green sworn in
By Tom Travis Flint’s new Chief of Police, Terence Green sworn in today on the recessed court yard behind City Hall. Circuit Court Judge David Guinn administered the oath of office. In Mayor Neeley’s remarks before the swearing in, he referred to Chief Green as a “true police officer” who is “committed to leading and…
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Biden rallies supporters at Flint’s Berston Field House before Tuesday’s primary
By Paul Rozycki With less than 15 hours before the polls open for Michigan’s primary election, former Vice President Joe Biden brought his campaign to Michigan, and to Flint, to rally supporters for the Democratic presidential nomination. On Monday afternoon Biden made a stop at Berston Field House on Flint’s north end. Meeting for over…
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Census “Mayoral Complete Count” effort kicks off — with $1,800 per person per year at stake
By Jan Worth-Nelson $1,800 per person per year. That is the key number in why the upcoming national census matters. As Flint city officials explained in a kickoff press conference Friday at City Hall, the census determines how $675 billion in federal dollars is distributed nationwide every year for the next 10 years. That means…
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Pierce Park out for Zero Mass Water proposal; concerns linger as ZMW eyes other sites
By Melodee Mabbitt Neighbors voicing their concerns prevented Pierce Park from becoming the location for a private company to install up to 1,000 solar panels and a bottling facility on Flint’s public land in order to produce bottled water for sale. Zero Mass Water, a water technology company that uses solar panels to make “drinking…
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Yo-Yo Ma celebration unites, electrifies a crowd with music and love at Berston Field House
By Jan Worth-Nelson Steel drummers, a mariachi band, twirling dancers, spoken word, African drum and dance, a string quartet — and in the midst of it, a little bit of Bach by a world-renowned cellist and a joyous atmosphere — that was Thursday’s “Flint Voices: Culture, Community and Resilience” showcase at Berston Field House. A…
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Berston Field House: Community life thriving on North End’s “hallowed ground”
By Teddy Robertson At Berston Field House the trees that shade the ball diamond refract a vibrant yellow against the gray October sky. From Memorial Day to Labor Day, fans from across Genesee County filled the bleachers and parking lot at 3300 Saginaw St. to cheer the Sunday Inner City Softball League games. Today the…
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Midterm election gives Dems the U.S. House, Michigan governor; 50 percent turnout in county
By Paul Rozycki After the most contentious and energized election in many decades, voters went to the polls in record numbers, and produced results that were both expected and surprising. By most estimates, the turnout nationwide and in Michigan was expected to break decades old records for a mid-term election. In Genesee County over 50…
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