Tag: Cameron McCadden
Flint Schools eventfully roll into new school year: lawsuits settled, sports cancelled, student no-shows
By Harold C. Ford Events in August kickstarted the 2020-21 school year for Flint Community Schools in a most newsworthy fashion. The settlement of two longstanding lawsuits brought by the American Civil Liberties Union had important ramifications for Flint’s schoolchildren. All fall sports have been canceled. Fewer than 50% of Flint’s students showed up for class at the…
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Flint Board of Education wrestles with ACLU lawsuit, staffing concerns
By Harold C. Ford At its first meeting of the 2019 calendar year, the Flint Community Schools (FCS) Board of Education wrestled with ongoing concerns about a lawsuit by the Michigan American Civil Liberties Union (MACLU) and continuing resignations by FCS staff. It also elected officers. The board’s annual organizational meeting on Jan. 9…
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Discipline problems take center stage as Flint Schools, community face ACLU lawsuit, state pressure
By Harold C. Ford This piece has been updated to add information about a Partnership Agreement with the State of Michigan triggered by the district landing in the bottom five percent of state schools and thus falling into the category of “chronically failing schools.” Implementing strategies to address discipline issues in the schools is central…
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