CCNA hears about Buick City PFAS, stray animal trapping, council dysfunction
By Patsy Isenberg At an agenda-rich College Cultural Neighborhood Association meeting Jan. 17, a turnout of about 30 residents heard from RACER Trust about the chemical contaminant PFAS at Buick City, learned about the organization All About Animals, received a summary from DM Burr Security Service and discussed the College Cultural neighborhood’s (CCN) upcoming 100th…
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CCNA hears blight, crime, pot shop and tree planting reports
By Patsy Isenberg Establishment of a city court to help eliminate neighborhood blight and a report on difficulties of containing crime in the neighborhood were features of the Sept. 20 meeting of the College Cultural Neighborhood Association. About 45 residents, officers, volunteers and speakers gathered at the Mott Technology Center, after a summer break, back…
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Animal groups aim to abate dog, cat problems with spay/neuter clinics at Franklin Ave Mission
By Jan Worth-Nelson The East Side of Flint may have fewer unwanted kittens and puppies to contend with soon, following a free spaying and neutering clinic from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. tomorrow and Thursday at the Franklin Avenue Mission, 2210 N. Franklin Ave. A mobile surgical unit provided by All About Animals, a nonprofit…
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Analysis: GCD administrator, CCNA leaders reflect on record-breaking “tree” election
By Jan Worth-Nelson Advocates for Flint’s urban forest — both in the Genesee Conservation District (GCD) and the “grassroots” of a contentiously active neighborhood association — are taking a deep breath today after the election of three new directors for the GCD board that produced the largest turnout of voters for a usually sleepy plebiscite…
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Three new board members to join Conservation District board
The vote tally from Thursday’s Genesee Conservation District election, posted on the GCD website today, are as follows: Final tally, Four-year term: Erin Caudell, 272 votes Caroline Kellogg, 242 votes Andy Everman, 239 votes Dave Lossing, 236 votes Final tally for the partial term ending March 22, 2019: Kristen Miner, 266 votes Candice C.…
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Residents turn out by the hundreds for Genesee Conservation District “green wave” election
By Jan Worth-Nelson By 11:30 a.m., just a half hour into voting for three open seats on the board of the Genesee Conservation District, more than 400 ballots had been cast at the polling place, Asbury United Methodist Church, according to GCD election workers. The turnout amazed Andy Everman, an incumbent board member running for…
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Fate of city trees, water pipeline restoration, Gilkey Creek bridge highlight CCNA meeting
By Patsy Isenberg Residents at the College Cultural Neighborhood Association (CCNA) meeting March 15 hashed out several issues with CCNA President Mike Keeler and others, including City of Flint Department of Public Works Director Robert Bincsik, ranging from pipe replacement to neighborhood trees. One primary item of discussion focused on the Genesee Conservation District (GCD)…
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CCNA seeking “green wave” in little-noticed Genesee Conservation District election
By Jan Worth-Nelson Editor’s note: This article has been corrected to indicate that an email request for a ballot is not one of the options for voting. While much of the nation obsesses about a speculated coming “blue wave” in primaries and midterms, one Flint neighborhood association is focusing its activism on a much more…
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Tree issues, city charter implementation highlight CCNA meeting
By Patsy Isenberg A disputed tree-replacement contract and concerns about tree removals were topics of the January meeting of the College Cultural Neighborhood Association, along with updates about plans for Pierce Park, discussion of progress in implementing the city’s new charter, and concerns about suspected drug activity on Court Street. CCNA President Mike Keeler and…
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