Tag: community journalism
Village Life: It’s too hot for lies and threats to democracy, even for journalists here at home
By Jan Worth-Nelson Today’s it’s 95 degrees outside and the AC is rumbling like a 19th century train. I’m passing on taking my daily walk, and I hurry outside only briefly to add water to the bird bath, hoping all the creatures will find a cool retreat. I’m recovering from a trip to the dentist,…
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“Scary and exciting time”: Local news media in an age of transition
By Harold C. Ford “Journalism is the only profession explicitly protected by the U.S. Constitution, because journalists are supposed to be the check and balance on government. We’re supposed to be holding those in power accountable.” –Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! A panel of veteran journalists tackled the existential issues that confront the nation’s fourth estate—journalism—at the…
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