Tag: coronavirus
Flint Symphony Orchestra 2021 season opener goes virtual, livestreaming Stravinsky’s “Pulcinella” Suite & Prokofiev’s “Peter and The Wolf”
The Flint Symphony Orchestra (FSO) kicks off the 2021 season COVID-style Saturday, Feb. 6, with Igor Stravinsky’s “Pulcinella” Suite and Sergei Prokofiev’s most popular performed work, “Peter and the Wolf,” according to a press release from the FSO. Under current COVID-19 restrictions in Michigan, the FSO will not be able to perform for a…
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Michigan food assistance payments increase 15 percent by end of January – Gov. Whitmer/MDHHS
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) announced 15 percent increase in Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits beginning by the end of January and lasting until June, 2021, as detailed in a Thursday press release from MDHHS and Gov. Whitmer. The increase is part of a Congressional relief…
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COVID vaccine will go first to health care and essential workers, residents of long-term facilities and high risk population
Health care personnel, residents of long-term facilities, workers in essential and critical infrastructure, and people at high risk for severe COVID-19 illness are recommended to be the first groups to get the COVID vaccine, according to interim guidelines issued Dec. 11 by the Michigan Department of Heath and Human Services (MDHHS). A Dec. 11 Michigan…
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Flint residents can apply to receive up to $225 to help pay water bills
Community Development Block Grant funds totaling $50,000 are being made available to assist moderate and low-income residents pay their water bills, according to a press release from the Mayor’s office. In addition, residents relying on unemployment because of job losses from coronavirus can benefit. Residents are eligible to receive a credit of up to $75…
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Commentary: Biden wins — What does it all mean? Ten takeaways from the 2020 election
By Paul Rozycki In a year of pandemics, racial division, economic crisis, and the most divisive election in the last century, it’s a challenge to uncover the things that really matter in this year’s presidential election. In the last weeks, we’ve all had wall-to-wall coverage and analysis of this year’s presidential contest. It may be…
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Education Beat: As pandemic numbers surge, student return to Flint schools not likely, officials say
By Harold C. Ford “I don’t think that students will be returning to school in the 2020 school year.” –Anita Steward, Flint Community Schools superintendent, Oct. 21, 2020 As pandemic numbers surge in Flint, Anita Steward, Flint Community Schools (FCS) superintendent, told the FCS Board of Education Oct. 21 that students will not likely return…
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Mayor warns against door-to-door trick-or-treating as Coronavirus cases and deaths surge, alternative trick-or-treating venues offered
By Tom Travis The City of Flint warned residents against door-to-door trick-or-treating due to the continuing spread and rise of coronavirus cases and deaths. In a press release Thursday Mayor Sheldon Neeley and city officials recommend children in the Flint community attend alternative trick-or-treating venues to celebrate Halloween rather than going door to door. There…
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The Rep of Flint presents virtual theatrical production of The Breath Project
By Patsy Isenberg The Flint Repertory Theatre is joining 22 other theaters across the country today and Sunday, Oct. 24 and 25, in a virtual performance inspired by the deaths of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. Black actors from around the country will present works they’ve created for the theatre in a virtual format in…
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GOP leaders’ words “fan the flames” of domestic terrorism in Michigan, Kildee says
By Tom Travis “Self-indulgent” Michigan GOP leaders try to “twist” the Whitmer kidnapping into a story about themselves, and by their words “fan the flames” of domestic terrorism, U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee (5th District) said in comments made while visiting the Flint Public Library (FPL) Friday. Kildee spoke to EVM about the kidnapping plot against…
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Kildee visits Flint Public Library to discuss $2 billion Library Stabilization Act and announces grant money for local libraries
By Tom Travis Federal grants totalling $28,914 will help Michigan libraries address operational challenges during the pandemic. U.S. Representative Dan Kildee (D) announced the new grants during a visit to the Flint Public Library (FPL) on Friday, where he received an update on the Kearsley Street Flint Public Library building renovation project by Kay Schwartz…
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