Tag: coronavirus
Local nursery owner coping with restrictions tells gardeners: keep tilling the soil for that “Covid-19 Victory Garden”
By Darlene C. Carey Amid the Covid-19 fears, the protest echoes, and silent spring of 2020, there lie the roots of Michiganders’ voices. Deeply embedded is the tradition of doing and going. It is no wonder people are so entrenched in their convictions about what they can and cannot do, willing to risk so much,…
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950 residents receive food weekly at the Martus/Luna Food Pantry
By Tom Travis Over 40 cars lined up on the streets around the Martus/Luna Food Pantry on Wednesday. Art Luna, President of the Martus/Luna Memorial Association which organizes the weekly food give away, said on average 950 people receive food each week. The first week in April they had 305 cars come through the line,…
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Coronavirus Diaries #1: Viral time and the witching hour — when the dead wander in and out
By Teddy Robertson Ed. Note: Here is the first of an East Village Magazine’s new feature, the Coronavirus Diaries — personal accounts and commentary from our writers to attempt to capture some of what we’ve all been going through and reflecting on what it means. Sunday has become my day to write to friends. It’s a…
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Michigan families to receive additional food benefits in pandemic EBT program
Emergency food assistance for Michigan families with children age 5 to 18 is on its way through a federal program adding benefits in response to the coronavirus crisis. The Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer Program (P-EBT) will provide $193.80 per eligible student for March and April and $182.40 for May and June in additional “Bridge Card”…
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Covid-19 testing begins in Flint at Atwood Stadium parking lot, 50 appointments scheduled
By Tom Travis About a dozen medical professionals and two hospital administration staff were on hand at Atwood Stadium’s parking lot today for Flint’s first drive through Covid-19 testing. Though 50 people had made a required appointment, there were no lines in the early hours, with about three or four cars coming through. Appointments are…
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“Grab and Go” meals for Flint Community Schools students continue at 12 sites
By Tom Travis At what is normally a busy place with children and teachers on this day Durant-Tuuri- Mott (DTM) Elementary School sits empty. But the lunch room was busy with workers in masks and gloves filling bags with supplies for parents to pick up. Some of the food items they loaded into the bags…
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Phone appointments required for Covid-19 testing; drive-through process begins Wednesday
Anyone wishing to get tested for Covid-19 must have an appointment for the drive-through process beginning Wednesday at Atwood Stadium, according to an announcement from the City of Flint. Patients must call ahead for an appointment by calling the newly established hotline, 810-262-3685. The hotline opened at noon today, Tuesday April 14. Hurley Medical Center…
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Mott Foundation grants $200K to Food Bank of Eastern Michigan for coronavirus needs
An emergency grant that will provide approximately 1.2 million meals to those in need in Flint and Genesee County because of the coronavirus crisis has been approved by the C.S. Mott Foundation. The Foundation has granted $200,000 to the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan. The press release announcing the grant noted that since the start…
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Covid-19 grief and support group Zoom meetings for Flint residents begin April 16
A Covid-19 grief and support group is being launched on Zoom at 11:30 a.m.Thursday, April 16. It is sponsored by the Flint Women’s Study Community Action Network, a resource group originated through Michigan State University’s Division of Public Health in the College of Human Medicine. The group will convene remotely on Zoom each Thursday through…
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Flint City Council to meet electronically Monday; FPD collective bargaining, pot ordinance on agenda
By Tom Travis The Flint City Council will hold its second electronic council meeting since the coronavirus pandemic began at 5:30 p.m. Monday, April 13. The public may participate by viewing it on YouTube on the SpectacleTV account. In an emailed press release issued Thursday, Deputy City Clerk/City Council Secretary, Davina Donahue stated in part…
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