Tag: David Meier
Mayoral candidate David Meier ends campaign as FBI debunks Medal of Honor claims
By Jan Worth-Nelson Beset with evidence contradicting his claims that he was a Congressional Medal of Honor winner from the Vietnam War, Flint Mayoral candidate David Meier stated in an email to East Village Magazine today that he has ended his political campaign. “I went to city hall today to withdraw from the mayors race…
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Tribalism, bankruptcy, a city “tithe” to the homeless emerge as proposals at first mayoral candidate forum
By Jan Worth-Nelson A Flint audience of about 6o got a closer look at five of the 18 candidates for mayor of the city at the Flint Public Library Thursday night in the first of two candidate forums. Their decidedly mixed comments ranged from proposing a city “tithe,” to establishing a tribal government that makes…
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Mayoral candidate David Meier doubles down on claims; Congressional Medal office disagrees
By Jan Worth-Nelson The East Village Magazine website was briefly taken down this afternoon by a source unknown to the magazine after David Meier, a Flint candidate for mayor whose claims that he was a Medal of Honor recipient have been challenged, doubled down to EVM on his claims. Here is the email he sent:…
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Mayoral candidate David Meier’s claims of Medal of Honor status questioned
By Jan Worth-Nelson Claims by David Meier, 67, a candidate for mayor of Flint, that he was a United States Medal of Honor recipient from the Vietnam War are being questioned by area veterans and appear not to be true. Nor has East Village Magazine been able to verify that he was a brigadier general…
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