Tag: Donald Trump
Four indictments for “45.” What will it mean for 2024?
By Paul Rozycki Donald Trump is running for president next year. He’s also facing 91 felony charges in both federal and state jurisdictions. With the first Republican debate last month behind us, we are about to begin the 2024 presidential election campaign. It may be the most unusual and challenging election we have ever seen.…
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Commentary: Indictments, recalls, demolitions, resignations, and more — 10 things to watch for in the dog days of summer
By Paul Rozycki We may be in the midst of record-breaking heat during these dog days of August, and the political future may be as hazy as the Michigan horizon on a humid summer evening, enveloped in Canadian forest fire smoke. But with all the risks, and in no particular order, here are a few…
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American democracy is facing serious threats. Let’s make sure it survives.
By Paul Rozycki “The ship of democracy, which has weathered all storms, may sink through the mutiny of those on board.” –Grover Cleveland “While democracy in the long run is the most stable form of government, in the short run, it is among the most fragile”. –Madeleine Albright Democracy isn’t easy. It’s not easy to…
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Commentary: Looking back and looking ahead — Will 2022 be better than 2021?
By Paul Rozycki Looking back This past year was supposed to be the year when we put the COVID pandemic, the 2020 election, and the turmoil in the Flint city council behind us. So far only one of those three things might be true, and even that remains to be seen. The Jan. 6 insurrection…
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Commentary: Secure MI Vote petition won’t secure your vote — or democracy
By Paul Rozycki A few years ago I was asked to give a presentation on the right to vote to a large number of prospective election workers at City Hall. As I looked out over the audience, I realized that almost none of those present could have voted when this nation began. The great majority…
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Commentary: After the water crisis and the pandemic, what’s next?
By Paul Rozycki It looked like the Flint water crisis was over…and it wasn’t. It looked like the pandemic was over…and it wasn’t. The water crisis In Flint, as July ended, nearly all of the lead pipes in the city had been replaced, a court settlement was on track, lead levels were at record lows,…
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Commentary: The right to vote — It’s not just about Democrats or Republicans. It’s about democracy.
By Paul Rozycki Guess what? There was cheating in the 2020 election. And guess what? There was so little of it, in a nation of 330 million, that it scarcely mattered. And from what we know, there were both Republicans and Democrats doing it. According to a Washington Post survey, there were 16 cases of…
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Fifteen days in January: The nation faces insurrection, impeachment, and inauguration.
By Paul Rozycki In the early 1960s, at the height of the cold war, there was a best-selling novel, and a movie, that told a story of a potential military coup in the U.S. and possible nuclear conflict with Soviet Union. The book was “Seven Days in May” by Charles Bailey and Fletcher Knebel, and…
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Commentary: Biden wins — What does it all mean? Ten takeaways from the 2020 election
By Paul Rozycki In a year of pandemics, racial division, economic crisis, and the most divisive election in the last century, it’s a challenge to uncover the things that really matter in this year’s presidential election. In the last weeks, we’ve all had wall-to-wall coverage and analysis of this year’s presidential contest. It may be…
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Blues singer votes red this year: Councilperson Davis makes waves with Trump endorsement
By Tom Travis In the days ahead of one of the most contentious presidential campaigns in recent memory, local blues musician turned politician, 2nd Ward Councilperson Maurice Davis, is making waves with his endorsement of President Donald Trump. Democrats “the party of hate” Davis asserts In a phone interview with EVM, Davis said, “I’ve found out…
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