Tag: Donna Ullrich
Kindness Rally begins with love for oneself, unconditional love for others
By Jan Worth-Nelson While hundreds of motorcyclists revved just a few hundred yards away in downtown Flint Saturday, about 50 people came together for a much quieter cause: a call for kindness. They rallied in bright sun with a sign offering “Hugs for Unity” under the Mahatma Gandhi statue at Willson Park. The rally was sponsored…
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Tendaji Talks finish season with “Alchemy of the Soul” by “Dr. P,” Joyce Piert
By Robert R. Thomas “Alchemy of the Soul: An African-Centered Education,” the title of the final Tendaji Talk of the current series, is also the title of a 2015 book by Joyce Piert. Dr. P, as she is affectionately called, was the evening’s principal speaker. Donna Ullrich, representing Neighborhoods Without Borders, sponsors of the Tendaji Talks,…
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Opposing “the language of hate,” requires listening, attention to history, Tendaji Talk speakers suggest
By Robert R. Thomas Language is very intentional and entails active listening, according to Dr. Traci Currie, a UM-Flint lecturer in communications, who also labels herself “an artist/activist.” And those elements are relevant to understanding and replacing “the language of hate,” she said in a recent round-table at the Flint Public Library. Currie said her work comes…
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