Tag: Donyele Darrough
Education Beat: 15 Flint Board of Education candidates vying for Nov. 8 election; 8 responded to EVM request for info
By Harold C. Ford Fifteen candidates are running for five available seats on the Flint board of Education (FBOE) in the upcoming Nov. 8 election. Candidates are listed at the website of the Genesee County Clerk’s office. Nine candidates are running for three spots, all full six-year terms: Linda Boose; Chris Del Morone; Emily Doerr;…
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Commentary: What’s at stake on the Nov. 8 ballot? Here’s a preview
By Paul Rozycki It’s common to refer to every upcoming election as “the most important election” of our times. Most of the time that’s just political rhetoric to get people out to vote. Yet, this Nov. 8 mid-term election may be the exception to that old rubric. Yes, it’s just one more mid-term election, but…
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