Tag: East Village Magazine
Central Park celebrates new mural on East Village Magazine building
By Harold C. Ford “Basically, the idea behind the mural is we don’t need to hate each other.” –Murales Lian, muralist Flint’s Central Park Neighborhood Association (CPNA) will celebrate the completion of a new mural on the wall of the East Village Magazine (EVM) building, 720 E. Second St., by artist Murales Lian on Thursday,…
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Democracy at heart of how “Flint Fights Back,” author Ben Pauli says
By Paul Rozycki At the recent launch of his new book Flint Fights Back: Environmental Justice and Democracy in the Flint Water Crisis, activist and Kettering University Professor Benjamin Pauli contended that the loss of democracy and the struggle of Flint activists to reclaim and ferociously exercise it, is at the heart of the Flint…
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“Scary and exciting time”: Local news media in an age of transition
By Harold C. Ford “Journalism is the only profession explicitly protected by the U.S. Constitution, because journalists are supposed to be the check and balance on government. We’re supposed to be holding those in power accountable.” –Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! A panel of veteran journalists tackled the existential issues that confront the nation’s fourth estate—journalism—at the…
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Flint Literary Festival kicks off Friday, features water crisis writers and Flint-native poets
Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha and journalist Anna Clark, whose critically acclaimed books about the Flint water crisis drew national attention, will headline this year’s Flint Literary Festival Oct. 26-27 at the Flint Public Library. They will be appearing together for the first time to talk about their books, their publication process, and the Flint stories they…
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Village Life: Why I moved to Flint
By Ted Nelson My first experience of Flint was Bishop International Airport. I still wonder about the “International” part. Could it be that Flint itself is another country? Perhaps there are secret flights here in the dark of night — aliens sneaking in from all over the world to benefit from the city’s abundance…
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JFK documentary with Flint/East Village Magazine connection airing on PBS June 2
By Jan Worth-Nelson A documentary about John F. Kennedy’s last major speech, which spotlights, among others, a Flint man present at the speech and the effect it had on his life, will be aired on two local PBS stations at 6:30 p.m. Saturday, June 2. In the interest of full disclosure, that man, Ted Nelson,…
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Flint panel, viewers react to gritty “Flint Town” with anguish, ambivalence–and ask, who controls Flint’s story?
By Harold C. Ford “Any city, however small, is in fact divided into two, one the city of the poor, the other of the rich; these are at war with one another.” …Plato, The Republic, Book IV Nearly 100 persons gathered at the Flint Public Library April 10 as five panelists reacted to the recently…
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“Flint Town” panel, conversation — Coyne, Galloway, Oliver, Willingham — set for Tuesday April 10
By Jan Worth-Nelson A community forum aiming to open up conversation around the Netflix series “Flint Town,” a searing exploration of the Flint Police Department in 2015-2016, will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Flint Public Library. Panelists will explore what it means to create a safe community, what can be…
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“Where are the journalists?” Part Three: As pixels replace paper, journalism still aims to hold powerful to account
This three-part series, concluding with this installment, aims to explore, analyze and lament how many forces challenging the Fourth Estate are playing out in our own community – specifically in a close look at changes in The Flint Journal, now dwindled to a local staff of fewer than 10 people, and subsumed by M-Live Media…
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18 Flint people on the water crisis: A Village Life gathering at Woodside Church
By Jan Worth-Nelson A visit to Flint by a Boston film crew in July led to a gathering of 18 Flint residents invited by East Village Magazine to talk about their lives in the city and their reflections on the water crisis and its effects. Their comments that night, all filmed and on the record,…
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