Tag: Ed Custer
William S. White, scion of C.S. Mott Foundation, dies at 82
By Jan Worth-Nelson Much has already has been written, and will be written in the coming days about the life and death today of William S. White, longtime executive at the top of the C.S. Mott Foundation, at 82. He was the grandson-in-law who ran the multi-billion dollar foundation that has played a huge role in…
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“Magnificent Specimens” of a circus parade highlight new Buckham show
By Meghan Christian Featuring the work of four local artists, Buckham Gallery’s next exhibit, “Magnificent Specimens of Nostalgic Wonder,” opens Friday, Sept. 8 for Art Walk from 6 to 9 p.m. One of those “magnificent specimens” is the work of Edwin Custer of Flint, longtime East Village Magazine photographer and distributor. He will be displaying his…
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18 Flint people on the water crisis: A Village Life gathering at Woodside Church
By Jan Worth-Nelson A visit to Flint by a Boston film crew in July led to a gathering of 18 Flint residents invited by East Village Magazine to talk about their lives in the city and their reflections on the water crisis and its effects. Their comments that night, all filmed and on the record,…
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Uptown plans $17 million residential-business complex, “The Marketplace,” at site of old YWCA
by Harold C. Ford A new, $17 million, residential-commercial project is being planned at the site of the old YWCA in downtown Flint according to Kyle McCree, director of Core Initiatives for the Flint and Genesee County Chamber of Commerce. The project is spearheaded by the Uptown Reinvestment Corporation (URC), a nonprofit organization focused on the…
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Water crisis writer Anna Clark takes EVM into national spotlight, probes many Flint stories
By Jan Worth-Nelson In a surprise outcome related to the Flint water crisis, East Village Magazine has been featured in a standard-bearing national journal, The Columbia Journalism Review. In an article titled “In Flint, a new era for one of the oldest community outlets in the U.S.” Detroit freelance writer Anna Clark described the magazine as…
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Street light upgrades, zoning changes, water supply highlight CPNA meeting
by Nic Custer The Central Park Neighborhood Association discussed grant applications for lighting upgrades, mobile meetings, Riverside Tabernacle playscape improvements, Kearsley Street zoning and water distribution updates at their February meeting Norma Sain, executive director of the Court Street Village Non Profit Housing Corporation, outlined plans for grant applications and asked residents of other suggestions…
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