Tag: Edwin D. Custer
Flint panel, viewers react to gritty “Flint Town” with anguish, ambivalence–and ask, who controls Flint’s story?
By Harold C. Ford “Any city, however small, is in fact divided into two, one the city of the poor, the other of the rich; these are at war with one another.” …Plato, The Republic, Book IV Nearly 100 persons gathered at the Flint Public Library April 10 as five panelists reacted to the recently…
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“Magnificent Specimens” of a circus parade highlight new Buckham show
By Meghan Christian Featuring the work of four local artists, Buckham Gallery’s next exhibit, “Magnificent Specimens of Nostalgic Wonder,” opens Friday, Sept. 8 for Art Walk from 6 to 9 p.m. One of those “magnificent specimens” is the work of Edwin Custer of Flint, longtime East Village Magazine photographer and distributor. He will be displaying his…
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Andrew Custer awarded a Fulbright for work in Colombia
By Jan Worth-Nelson Andrew Custer, 27, a Michigan State University graduate from Flint, has received a Fulbright U.S. Student Program award to Colombia from the U.S. Department of State and the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. Custer, an alumnus of The Valley School, is the son of Casey and Edwin Custer, EVM’s longtime photographer and…
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Longtime architectural and community landmark, Woodside Church up for sale
By Jan Worth-Nelson Woodside Church, designed by internationally-known Finnish architect Eero Saarinen and built by his brother-in-law Robert F. Swanson in 1952, has been put up for sale by the congregation, who voted on it at an Oct. 30 congregational meeting. A press release issued Tuesday said the congregation is beginning its search for a…
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