Tag: Ethics and Accountability Board
City council announces budget hearings for April and May; new CFO joins hearing
By Tom Travis The city council has announced a series of four hearings on the city’s 2023-2024 budget between April 12 and May 15. The hearings will allow city council and members of the public an opportunity to hear from department heads on their budgets and to ask questions. City Clerk Davina Donohue explained to…
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EAB sends a letter accusing city council of “violating responsibilities”, demands response by April 11
By Tom Travis [This article has been updated to reflect that the council did take action on 15 out of the 19 resolutions. EVM Editorial Staff.] The Flint City council met for an eight-hour meeting Monday night, with two hours spent discussing the council’s behavior and two resolutions. The sum of the 19 resolutions and…
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After 640+ days, Flint hires new ombudsperson; EAB member quits over process
By Melodee Mabbitt Two years after Flint voters elected to fill the position, the City of Flint has a new ombudsperson. Tané Dorsey starts the week of Nov. 4. Dorsey is a Flint native, a graduate of Flint Northern High School and the University of Michigan. She has years of experience as an Investigator in…
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Motion to prevent hiring ombudsperson denied; process moving forward
By Melodee Mabbitt Seventh Judicial Circuit Court Judge F. Kay Behm denied a motion to prevent the hiring of an ombudsperson filed by Linda Pohly, a Flint resident with a complaint before the court alleging that the City of Flint failed to follow the Open Meetings Act, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and the Flint…
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Public hearing on Flint’s alleged failures to follow charter 10 a.m. Tuesday
TRO denied: see followup story here: By Melodee Mabbitt A hearing is scheduled at 10 am. tomorrow, Sept. 10, before Seventh Judicial Circuit Court Judge F. Kay Behm on the complaint filed by Linda Pohly alleging that the City of Flint failed to follow the Open Meetings Act, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and…
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Commentary: Civility in politics 2019? Maybe, but don’t count on it
By Paul Rozycki “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” -Yogi Berra With a newly elected Congress in Washington, a new administration in Lansing, and a mayoral election in Flint, this year will be anything but tranquil politically. As has been the case for the last few years, predictions are easy to make,…
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City Ethics and Accountability Board plods through formative stages: no ombudsman yet
By Meghan Christian The Flint Ethics and Accountability Board (EAB) has passed another month since it was established by the new City Charter 18 months ago without hiring an ombudsman, one of the group’s main jobs. But the group did welcome a new member, addressed potential issues with accepting complaints, and discussed plans for 2019…
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Ethics and Accountability Board progress slow to implement charter; no ombudsperson yet
By Meghan Christian The City of Flint Ethics and Accountability Board (EAB) has made some progress getting organized since it first convened in August, but the body still has yet to appoint an ombudsperson, one of the conditions outlined in the new city charter. During their last meeting Sept. 25, members provided updates on tasks…
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Flint council approves two-year city budget and 10 of 11 appointees for overdue ethics panel
By Meghan Christian The Flint City Council approved 10 appointments to the Ethics and Accountability Board and approved the Mayor’s biennial budget for the city of $55.8 million for 2018-19 and $56.6 million for 2019-20 at their June 25 meeting. Formation of an Ethics and Accountability Board was one of the requirements outlined in the…
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