Tag: FIA
Flint Institute of Arts opening Art School for spring session; registration begins Feb. 2
Art classes at the Flint Institute of Arts (FIA) will resume for spring term if encouraging Covid-19 trends continue. Spring classes begin March 8, 2021. “We have been closely monitoring our region’s infection rates and trends. The numbers continue to fall and unless there is a new and unexpected resurgence, we will reopen,” Art School…
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Debrief: Flint Art Fair numbers suggest success for FIA, local economy
By Paul Rozycki Though this year’s numbers are not all in, the 2019 Flint Art Fair looks to have been a strong success. According to James Draper, one of the organizers of the fair, they hope to net at least $20,000 for the Flint Institute of Arts (FIA). Most of their income, Draper said, is…
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Second arts millage town hall yields more questions and calls for support
By Jan Worth-Nelson It seemed clear nobody in the audience for the second town hall on the proposed Arts Education and Cultural Enrichment millage up for a vote Aug. 7 was opposed to the arts. Nina Jones Lewis, who moderated both panels, echoed several speakers in her concluding summary, “Yes, we’re poor and yes, we…
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