Tag: FIM
“Mr. American Pie” Don McLean to perform at Capitol Aug. 31: after 50 years, he “still likes the song”
By Tom Travis Fifty-two years after his song “American Pie” became a surprise hit and thrust him him into sudden fame, singer/songwriter Don McLean, 77, says he’s still not tired of it. “I’m not tired of the song because it makes people so happy,” he said in a phone interview with East Village Magazine. “My…
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Commentary: Maybe music helped Flint in 1918 — and arts and culture can do it for us now
By Rodney Lontine Arts and culture offer much-needed healing in difficult times The Community Music Association was founded by J. Dallas Dort during World War I in 1917. Both J. Dallas and his wife Nellie were accomplished musicians. He played the cello, and their Kearsley Street home in Flint was fitted with an Aeolian pipe organ he liked…
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Second arts millage town hall yields more questions and calls for support
By Jan Worth-Nelson It seemed clear nobody in the audience for the second town hall on the proposed Arts Education and Cultural Enrichment millage up for a vote Aug. 7 was opposed to the arts. Nina Jones Lewis, who moderated both panels, echoed several speakers in her concluding summary, “Yes, we’re poor and yes, we…
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