Tag: Flint Area Public Affairs Forum
Dangers of children using social media focus of Public Affairs Forum panel
By Jeffery L Carey Jr. The panelists were unanimous in their views Tuesday night as Flint educators discussed social media related to children and their education: even though it creates complications, can be dangerous and needs careful monitoring, it’s going to be there “until the power goes out.” Hosted by Flint Area Public Affairs Forum…
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“Scary and exciting time”: Local news media in an age of transition
By Harold C. Ford “Journalism is the only profession explicitly protected by the U.S. Constitution, because journalists are supposed to be the check and balance on government. We’re supposed to be holding those in power accountable.” –Amy Goodman, Democracy Now! A panel of veteran journalists tackled the existential issues that confront the nation’s fourth estate—journalism—at the…
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News Brief: Challenges, transitions of local news focus of March 26 Flint forum
The next 2019 Flint Area Public Affairs Forum convenes at 5:30 p.m. Tues., March 26, at the Flint Public Library, 1026 E. Kearsley St. With the theme “Have You Heard the News? Local News Sharing in an Age of Media Transition,” the discussion, moderated by Dawn Jones of ABC12, features a panel including media professionals…
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Public Affairs Forum panel probes civility in the era of social media
By Jeffery L. Carey Jr. Though no one offered any hard-and-fast answers to the country’s current rash of harsh rhetoric, a panel of communication experts at the Flint Public Library Jan. 15 suggested at the least it pays to listen well and try to understand opposing views. An audience of about 35 attended the event,…
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News Brief: Public Affairs Forum to probe “Bringing Back Civility” Jan. 15
The Flint Area Public Affairs Forum convenes “Bringing Back Civility: Engaging in an Era of Social Media” 5:30 p.m. Jan. 15 in the Flint Public Library, 1026 E. Kearsley St. Moderated by Jan Worth-Nelson, editor of East Village Magazine, the panel will include author Joy Arbor; MI State Rep. Donna Lasinski; Ryan Irvin of Change…
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Tendaji forum highlights inequality, racism and why people don’t vote
By Paul Rozycki As part of the Tendaji Talks, the Flint Public Library hosted the first of a series of presentations sponsored by Neighborhoods Without Borders on “Racism and the Midterm Election.,” Tuesday evening. Two speakers highlighted the connection between the denial of voting rights, the loss of power, and economic inequality. Hubert Roberts, a…
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Panel tackles gender inequities, predicts “a massive year for women”
By Harold C. Ford “One woman can make a difference…We’re on the precipice of a big change.” –Donna Motsinger, Bill Cosby accuser to National Public Radio, April 27, 2018 With the backdrop of a “Me Too”movement that hints at a sea change, last week five Flint panelists tackled the tough issues of gender inequity in…
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Flint panel, viewers react to gritty “Flint Town” with anguish, ambivalence–and ask, who controls Flint’s story?
By Harold C. Ford “Any city, however small, is in fact divided into two, one the city of the poor, the other of the rich; these are at war with one another.” …Plato, The Republic, Book IV Nearly 100 persons gathered at the Flint Public Library April 10 as five panelists reacted to the recently…
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“Flint Town” panel, conversation — Coyne, Galloway, Oliver, Willingham — set for Tuesday April 10
By Jan Worth-Nelson A community forum aiming to open up conversation around the Netflix series “Flint Town,” a searing exploration of the Flint Police Department in 2015-2016, will be held from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Flint Public Library. Panelists will explore what it means to create a safe community, what can be…
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42 percent vacant: Forum explores Flint’s “everyday remaking of place” after abandonments
By Jan Worth-Nelson Forty-two percent of Flint’s properties are vacant — 24,000 of them –and their presence, appearing to some like tombstones, to others like hopeful patches of gardens or clover, to others annoyances swamped by unmowed grass or decaying trash–has become one of the uneasy visual realities of a city in transition. A panel…
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