Tag: Flint city charter
Ethics and Accountability Board progress slow to implement charter; no ombudsperson yet
By Meghan Christian The City of Flint Ethics and Accountability Board (EAB) has made some progress getting organized since it first convened in August, but the body still has yet to appoint an ombudsperson, one of the conditions outlined in the new city charter. During their last meeting Sept. 25, members provided updates on tasks…
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Flint’s new Ethics and Accountability Board convenes, gets organized at first meeting
By Meghan Christian The new Ethics and Accountability Board (EAB), an overseeing body required by the City of Flint’s new charter, held its first meeting Aug. 2. Board members began with organizational tasks, appointing John Daly from the Eighth Ward as interim chairperson and Pastor Allen Gilbert of the Seventh Ward as vice-chairperson. They also…
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Flint council approves two-year city budget and 10 of 11 appointees for overdue ethics panel
By Meghan Christian The Flint City Council approved 10 appointments to the Ethics and Accountability Board and approved the Mayor’s biennial budget for the city of $55.8 million for 2018-19 and $56.6 million for 2019-20 at their June 25 meeting. Formation of an Ethics and Accountability Board was one of the requirements outlined in the…
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Commentary: Time to jump-start the new city charter
By Paul Rozycki Last August Flint voters set the city on a new course when they approved the city’s new charter—the first since 1974. In the turmoil over the Flint water crisis, successive emergency managers, and recall elections, the charter sometimes seemed lost in the shuffle. Yet, the Charter Commission produced a significant and important…
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Tree issues, city charter implementation highlight CCNA meeting
By Patsy Isenberg A disputed tree-replacement contract and concerns about tree removals were topics of the January meeting of the College Cultural Neighborhood Association, along with updates about plans for Pierce Park, discussion of progress in implementing the city’s new charter, and concerns about suspected drug activity on Court Street. CCNA President Mike Keeler and…
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Commentary: Vote “yes” on the new city charter
As Flint residents get ready to vote on a new city charter, prepared after two years’ work by an elected nine-member charter review commission, EVM received two last perspectives, the one below advocating a “yes” vote, the other a “no” vote–that view, by Sally Kagerer, can be found here. Two other commentaries were posted earlier.…
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Commentary: Vote “no” on the new city charter
As Flint residents prepare to vote on a new city charter, prepared after two years’ work by an elected nine-member charter review commission, EVM received two last perspectives, the one below advocating a “no” vote, the other a “yes” vote by Richard and Betty Ramsdell that can be found here. Two other commentaries were posted…
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Commentary: Why to vote “No” on the Flint Charter revision: existing one already is “masterful”
Flint voters will be asked to vote Aug. 8 on whether to approve a new charter for the city. As Paul Rozycki explained in his July column in EVM, the current city’s charter was last revised in 1974, when Flint’s population was nearly 200,000 and there were still 80,000 well paid GM jobs in the…
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Commentary: Flint’s Aug. 8 primary affects the city and your life
By Paul Rozycki In light of recent terrorist threats at Bishop Airport, criminal indictments of state water officials, continuing squabbles between the Flint City Council and the mayor over the source of Flint’s water, the hype over a $50 million election in Georgia, and endless tweets from the president, this August’s election in Flint may…
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