Tag: Flint City Council dysfunction
Councilperson Eric Mays fires off response to Neeley’s press release: “We’re dealing with a deceptive, trickery, lying type of mayor”
By Tom Travis Councilperson Eric Mays (1st Ward) Tuesday contacted East Village Magazine (EVM) to respond to Mayor Sheldon Neeley’s press release about the council’s failure to adopt a budget in Monday’s meeting. Mays said he objected to Neeley calling the council as a whole, dysfunctional. Mays retorted, “I think we’re dealing with a deceptive, trickery, lying…
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Commentary: Flint City Council meetings a long day’s journey into night
By Paul Rozycki On a recent Monday evening, of the approximately 96,448 residents in the city of Flint, 96,423 were most likely spending their time doing worthwhile, rewarding, or satisfying activities. The other 25 were at the Flint City Council meeting. To be sure, some of them had to be there. Nine were elected from…
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