Tag: Flint city council
“We have to make the city of Flint a better place” Mayor Neeley calls for unity, strength and hope in second swearing-in ceremony
By Tom Travis Themes of love, unity, strength and hope flowed through the remarks at Mayor Sheldon Neeley’s second swearing-in ceremony Monday with familiar faces of politicians, community leaders, city officials, activists and city residents. Longtime local news anchor and friend of Neeley, Bill Harris, was emcee for the ceremony that lasted just under an…
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City Clerk candidates – Guillen and Donohue – to be interviewed Dec. 5
By Tom Travis Out of 24 applicants, two will be interviewed next Monday, Dec. 5, in an open public meeting, for the position of Flint City Clerk – Angela Guillen and Davina Donahue (currently serving as the Interim City Clerk). East Village Magazine (EVM) has reached out to both candidates but neither has responded. City…
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Herkenroder and Lewis voted president and vice-president of Flint city council, city clerk interviews to be Dec. 5
By Tom Travis Councilperson Allie Herkenroder (Ward 7) was selected Monday on a 6-3 vote to be Flint city council president, with Councilperson Ladel Lewis (Ward 2) as vice-president. Councilpersons Eric Mays (Ward 1), Jerri Winfrey-Carter (Ward 5) and Tonya Burns (Ward 6) voted against Herkenroder and Lewis. In addition, the council accepted a $10…
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Commentary: Are YOU being represented? Flint council members are elected to take a stand. Abstaining shirks their duty
By Christopher Frye Editor of Flint: Our Community, Our Voice Election Day 2022 is upon us. It is the day that We The People make our choices known on various ballot issues and elect Representatives to diverse legislative bodies from local school boards to our representatives in Congress. Allow me to repeat…we are voting…
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Michigan’s largest brownfield – former Buick City – to be redeveloped for $17 million, $3.25 million coming from Flint’s ARPA funds
By Tom Travis A resolution that will allocate $3.25 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding towards Ashley Capital’s redevelopment of the Buick City brownfield was approved Oct. 24 by the Flint City Council. The City of Flint administration had submitted a resolution to allocate the funds. At the same meeting, the council voted to…
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A tale of two ARPA budgets – Council approves their ARPA budget and rejects the Mayor’s
By Tom Travis In Monday’s meeting City Council approved their version of a budget to spend the remaining $60 million of the $94 million American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. Back in June the Mayor and his administration had presented their version of an ARPA allocation budget. The council has not approved Mayor Neeley’s ARPA…
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An interview with Sheldon Neeley: “We’re going to continue down a path that I created and we have a blueprint for it”
Editors’ Note: East Village Magazine conducted in-person interviews with both Mayor Sheldon Neeley and Karen Weaver, who are facing off in the Nov. 8 election — Neeley for a second consecutive term, Weaver for a return to the office Neeley won from her by 205 votes in 2019. The candidates were provided an identical…
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New state park will bring “stability” and “open up the river to the community,” Michigan DNR Director says
By Tom Travis The Flint City Council approved a resolution Monday night to allow the State of Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to invest $30.2 million in establishing a state park along much of the Flint River. The park is envisioned to encompass 230 acres stretching approximately 3 miles east to west and more…
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Flint Council approves $8.6 million from ARPA funds to provide a $300 credit to every Flint water customer
By Tom Travis This article has been updated to include new developments in a press release from the Mayor’s office on Friday afternoon, 9/30/22 – EVM Editors City council has passed an $8.6 million resolution, funded out of the $94 million ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds that aims to bring relief to Flint water…
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