Tag: Flint Lead Exposure Registry
City Council beat: Carriage town protest, pipeline funds, Flint Registry grant, pot proposal
By Luther Houle Well past sunset, the second monthly City Council meeting for September came to order at 8:15 p.m. Monday Sept. 23 after a three-hour Special Affairs Committee meeting. The Special Affairs Committee meeting is where the City Council decides which issues will be addressed during the subsequent council meeting. With tensions high and…
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Flint lead exposure “registry” aims to track water crisis health consequences, outcomes
By Jan Worth-Nelson A federally-funded registry to monitor the health of individuals affected by the Flint water crisis is about to launch, Flint pediatrician and crisis luminary Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha told the FACT Community Partners group meeting Thursday under the dome at City Hall. Funding for the program, about $14.4 million awarded to Michigan State…
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