Tag: Flint River
320 volunteers, 412 bags of trash: Flint River gets love, spring makeover
By Jan Worth-Nelson The Flint River and its watershed got lots of love on a chilly spring day Saturday, when 320 volunteers swarmed 17 sites along the river in both Genesee and Lapeer counties and including Gilkey Creek at the annual Stewardship Day and community cleanup. Volunteers filled 412 bags of trash plus a dumpster.…
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Big Flint River cleanup Saturday at 17 sites; volunteers still welcome
Hundreds of volunteers are expected to join the Flint River Watershed Coalition (FRWC) and their partners at sites across Genesee and Lapeer Counties 9 a.m.to noon tomorrow–Saturday April 27–for the Flint River and Community Clean Up, Volunteers are still needed for the annual Stewardship Day and all are welcome to participate and celebrate at appreciation…
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National journalists gliding into the Flint River see herons, egrets, kingfishers–and pride
By Jan Worth-Nelson Last Saturday during the Society of Environmental Journalists conference in Flint, participants were offered a handful of local tours. One of the most popular was a kayak trip down the Flint River sponsored by the Flint River Watershed Coalition. Paddling enthusiasts convened at the launch site west of Grand Traverse Street,…
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Thread Lake, Kearsley dam projects progress; downtown “rapids” plan on Flint River hits snag
By Jeffery L Carey Jr. As the year winds down, the City of Flint has begun its fourth dam project, this one at the Kearsley Dam at the corner of Layton Boulevard and Western Road. Work on the Kearsley Dam follows the recent repair of Thread Lake Dam and the removal of both the Fabri…
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Kayak Flint launches “urban paddling” through downtown beginning this weekend
By Jan Worth-Nelson Despite what Michael Moore said, inaccurately, in his new film “Fahrenheit 11/9,” the Flint River is cleaner and more beautiful than ever before, thanks to years of assiduous cleanup and the gradual removal of the Hamilton Dam. Now the determined river advocates and activists of the Flint River Watershed Coalition and its…
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Confluence of efforts on “the spine of the city” changing the Flint River reality, narrative
By Jeffery L Carey Jr and Jan Worth-Nelson Demolition of the crumbling Hamilton Dam on the Flint River downtown, now underway, has brought together numerous community, scientific, and engineering efforts in a process affected and propelled by the water crisis and part of a longer-term dramatic change in the narrative of the waterway that some have…
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Hamilton Dam coming down as “rewilding” of Flint River flows forward
By Jeffery L Carey Jr. The crumbling 98-year-old Hamilton Dam on the Flint River is coming down. Currently under demolition, the deteriorated old structure finally is being removed from its position just north of the University of Michigan-Flint campus, with the Fabri Dam further west slated for removal as well. The Hamilton Dam has been…
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Legionnaire’s outbreak officially linked to Flint water crisis, nationally-touted research affirms
By Jan Worth-Nelson A fatal chain of events simultaneous with the Flint water crisis — an outbreak of Legionella’s disease which killed 12 and sickened scores of others during a 2014-15 outbreak—has now been scientifically correlated to low levels of residual chlorine during the crisis. The outbreak can be associated with the change in the…
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18 Flint people on the water crisis: A Village Life gathering at Woodside Church
By Jan Worth-Nelson A visit to Flint by a Boston film crew in July led to a gathering of 18 Flint residents invited by East Village Magazine to talk about their lives in the city and their reflections on the water crisis and its effects. Their comments that night, all filmed and on the record,…
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Keep the heat on the Flint story, UM-Flint Chancellor and residents tell national journalists
By Jan Worth-Nelson Don’t let the “Flint story” drop out of view, UM – Flint Chancellor Susan Borrego and local residents implored a panel of national environmental journalists meeting in Flint last weekend. What’s at stake is not abandoning a city whose struggles are of national significance, Borrego said. “Flint was important in the history…
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