Tag: Flint water plant
Opinion: A new offense – water settlement objections denied by federal judge
By Rev. Deborah D Conrad A new offense has insulted Flint this week, in the form of a court ruling — this time from District Judge Judith Levy. At issue was the Flint Water Settlement, the financial compensation for the residents of this city of 90,000 poisoned by state action in 2014, finally acknowledged in…
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Registration begins for the $641.25 million water crisis settlement
By Tom Travis Flint residents can begin to register for a piece of the $641.25 million water crisis settlement (WCS). According to attorneys in the settlement, registration began Jan. 27 and ends March 29. Adults must opt-in by March 29 and all objections must be filed by March 29. Who can register? – How to…
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“Change the guidelines for compensation” – Community members and water warriors plead with Judge Levy
By Tom Travis “Flint, tell Judge Levy to change the guidelines for compensation in the water settlement. All citizens should be compensated,” read a statement offered by concerned citizens, pastors, community leaders and Flint water warriors. The group gathered Monday at Flint’s water plant on Dort Highway. The statement, read by Pastor John McClane of…
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EPA identifies “significant challenges” to long-term Flint water quality in memo to Snyder, Weaver
By Jan Worth-Nelson Flint faces significant “long-term challenges” that need to be tackled to assure safe drinking water, according to a strongly-worded memo from Gina McCarthy, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, delivered today to Gov. Rick Snyder and Flint Mayor Karen Weaver. The letter states the city’s water system is too big for the…
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