Tag: Flint Water Recovery Group
Shigella outbreak subsiding, but answering the “why” continues
By Jan Worth-Nelson Incidence of the latest health threat to hit Flint and Genesee County, the diarrhea-causing bacterium shigella, appears to have subsided, at least for now, representatives from the Centers for Disease Control told the Flint Water Recovery Group under the dome at City Hall last week. Jevon D. McFadden, a CDC physician headquartered…
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Flint’s woes “not just about water,” Rep. Kildee tells water recovery group
By Jan Worth-Nelson Even before the water crisis hit, U.S Representative Dan Kildee reminded about 100 members of the Flint Recovery Group Aug. 4 under the dome at City Hall, Flint was already “one mistake from a crisis.” And in the devastating wake of a whole series of mistakes and misdeeds, Flint is just one…
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“Filtered water” green light draws alarm, reassurance from community partners
By Jan Worth-Nelson The announcement issued today by the Environmental Protection Agency that Flint’s water is now safe for all populations and all uses, if filtered — a dramatic shift from the status quo understanding since January — drew responses of surprise, alarm, annoyance and reassurance from about 80 community partners at the Flint Water…
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