Tag: For-Mar Nature Preserve and Arboretum
Village Life: “Tree City” a sweet place to tap for syrup–here’s how
By Jeffery L Carey Jr. This year marks the fifth year my family has been making maple syrup out in our yard. It started with just a bit of curiosity and now it is something we look forward to every year. There is something incredible about getting outside and feeling the energy of the trees,…
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320 volunteers, 412 bags of trash: Flint River gets love, spring makeover
By Jan Worth-Nelson The Flint River and its watershed got lots of love on a chilly spring day Saturday, when 320 volunteers swarmed 17 sites along the river in both Genesee and Lapeer counties and including Gilkey Creek at the annual Stewardship Day and community cleanup. Volunteers filled 412 bags of trash plus a dumpster.…
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Flint financial advisor also helps bluebirds feather their nests
By Patsy Isenberg Bob Wright is not only a financial advisor at Complete Wealth Advisors in Flint, but also a bluebird protector, sustainer, and instructor. He began his avian pursuit seven years ago in his own backyard on Potter Road when he happened to see one of the gorgeous birds from his kitchen window. Wright…
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Bees making sweet honey on Flint’s East Side
By Patsy Isenberg Flint’s East Side may be a tattered symbol to some human eyes of the city’s struggles. But it turns out honeybees like it just fine. The wildflowers sprouting up in abandoned lots and brownfields may be the secret ingredient that makes city honey sweet – better even than rural honey, according to…
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Essay: For-Mar treehouse a childhood fantasy brought to life–by TV masters
By Robert R. Thomas Camping out is an honorable Michigan tradition. I have a photo of me at three years old in the wilds of West Branch holding a hatchet while standing in front of my father’s Marine Corps pup tent that always smelled of tropical mold, which made it all that more exotic as…
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