Tag: Genesee County Land Bank
Land Bank aims to “make neighborhoods whole again,” new director Michael Freeman says
By Tom Travis The Land Bank of Genesee County owns, maintains and manages more than 15,000 properties in the City of Flint–a whopping 27 percent of the city’s land. Yet many in the community may not know what it is and how it has become a leading influence on the city’s landscape of abandonment and…
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Kildee names blight, development as top priorities, calls for aging cities “Marshall Plan” at FNU appearance
By Coner Segren Even though Genesee County has received about $67.5 million through the federal Hardest Hit Fund (HHF) to eliminate blight—funds which have funded demolition of 5,000 vacant properties—much more is needed, U.S. Fifth District Congressman Dan Kildee told participants at the March meeting of Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU). Addressing residents’ concerns about how…
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Neighborhood revitalization and blight removal are goals in Durant-Tuuri-Mott target area
By Tom Travis Dreaming, re-imagining and visioning for neighborhoods were at the center of a recent discussion of the University Avenue Corridor Coalition (UACC). Focused on neighborhood revitalization and blight removal, a project funded by a small federal grant is being directed toward envisioning possibilities for a historic neighborhood in the heart of Flint.…
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“Neighbors Changing Flint” third session explores reuses of vacant lots
By Luther Houle Ashley Everhart, agency director of the Neighborhood Engagement Hub, began the third meeting of the series “Neighbors Changing Flint” with an eye-opening statistic. “Within the city’s boundaries, we have almost 60,000 vacant lots,” she said, citing the Flint Property Portal, a popular website for identifying lot owners and status. She said that…
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New Ruth Mott Foundation grants target North End youth, vacant lots, grocery store, arts
By Jan Worth-Nelson A varied group of 17 grants aiming to nurture youth arts, clean up vacant lots, create a grocery store, support community news and bolster resource hubs in the North End of Flint was announced today by the Ruth Mott Foundation. The grants, totaling $1.4 million and ranging from $267,400 for a Genesee…
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42 percent vacant: Forum explores Flint’s “everyday remaking of place” after abandonments
By Jan Worth-Nelson Forty-two percent of Flint’s properties are vacant — 24,000 of them –and their presence, appearing to some like tombstones, to others like hopeful patches of gardens or clover, to others annoyances swamped by unmowed grass or decaying trash–has become one of the uneasy visual realities of a city in transition. A panel…
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Who owns that house down the street? “Flint Property Portal” goes live with answers
By Dylan Doherty Flint residents have a new way to find and report information about properties in the city–from who owns them, to demolition status, to building conditions–thanks to a new website that went live Aug. 21. Training sessions on how to use the Flint Property Portal will be held from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Aug. 28…
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