Tag: Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA)
“Their swift action and smooth response ensured the safety and availability of Flint’s drinking water was undisturbed” – EPA Region 5 Director Debra Shore
By Tom Travis On the heels of a major GLWA water line break in mid-August, a federal representative, EPA Region-5 Administrator, Debra Shore, toured the Flint Water Plant and praised the Flint Water Department staff. The EPA’s Region 5 is the largest of its 10 regions. Region 5 comprises six of the eight Great Lakes…
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At five-year milestone Flint water tests at 3 ppb for lead – the lowest yet: EGLE says, “We know that trust was broken”
By Tom Travis “From EGLE’s perspective and my own perspective, we know that trust was broken. We know that what we need to do is to deliver results to the people of the City of Flint,” said Liesl Clark, director of the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE). Clark made these comments…
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City Council postpones secondary water source pipeline decision and reviews amended 2021 budget
By Tom Travis The Flint City Council voted to postpone to May 11 an important resolution to enter into a contract for a secondary water source pipeline and also voted to receive an amended 2021 Flint city budget from city administration. Both items resulted in long discussion among council members and city officials. The council…
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“The weight of an entire community” — Mott Foundation execs describe what they’ve learned in “Focus on Flint,” what they worry about, and how they hope a targeted $1 million might help
By Harold C. Ford Editor’s note: The following is an interview with the C.S. Mott Foundation’s Ridgway White, CEO and president, and Kimberly Roberson, Flint area program director. Also present at the interview was Kathryn Thomas, vice president for communications. After release of a 24-page Focus on Flint report, available here, the Mott Foundation announced…
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