Tag: Herbert Winfrey
Flint city council already battling over leadership; vote for new president set for Monday Nov. 11
By Tom Travis Just a few hours after the noon swearing in of Mayor-elect Sheldon Neeley in City Hall Monday, the Flint City Council (FCC) will meet. City Clerk Inez Brown will begin that meeting, at 5 p.m. in council chambers. The first order of business will be a vote on council leadership for…
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City Council beat: Carriage town protest, pipeline funds, Flint Registry grant, pot proposal
By Luther Houle Well past sunset, the second monthly City Council meeting for September came to order at 8:15 p.m. Monday Sept. 23 after a three-hour Special Affairs Committee meeting. The Special Affairs Committee meeting is where the City Council decides which issues will be addressed during the subsequent council meeting. With tensions high and…
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Flint City Council January update: Struggling for civility, council ousts Mays as finance committee chair
By Meghan Christian As 2018 ended, some members of Flint City Council (FCC) expressed hope that the new year would bring a new attitude to the city’s governing body and that they would be able to leave many of their divisions behind. But it became clear by the conclusion of the first month of 2019…
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City Council Beat: mutual condemnations, calls for civility dominate September meetings
By Meghan Christian “All I’m gonna say is: get the word out. When you hear me say I want to change the complexion of this council, and people say is it a threat, no. It’s factually what I’m going to do,” First Ward Councilperson Eric Mays said during his final comments at the Sept. 24…
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Flint City Council approves $133 million in water work, addresses council tension
By Meghan Christian A plan for eight water-related projects totalling $132.9 million for the city of Flint was approved following a public hearing July 23 by the Flint City Council (FCC). But the council, along with several members of the audience of about 30 residents, expressed displeasure that the presentation on the proposal came almost…
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Mayor vetoes City Council budget on $267,000 difference, override vote attempt set
By Meghan Christian and Jan Worth-Nelson A version of a 2018-2019 city budget proposal calling for eight amendments approved six to three June 4 by the Flint City Council was vetoed Monday by Mayor Karen Weaver. The $267,000 difference in what the council wants and what the Mayor wants represents one half of one percent…
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Flint Council starts 2018 with unanimous decisions on appointments, housing service charge
By Meghan Christian The Flint City Council unanimously approved three appointments at their Jan. 8 meeting, and also amended three city ordinances that will allow development projects to pay a service charge in lieu of taxes as long as certain quality standards are maintained. Flint residents Charlotte P. Edwards and Rev. Herbert Miller II were…
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It’s “Detroit water” for 30 years: Flint city council approves GLWA contract 5-4
By Meghan Christian After a week of marathon-like meetings, the Flint City Council approved Resolution 170354.3, a 30-year contract with the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA), with a close vote of five to four on Tuesday, Nov. 21. Those in favor were Eric Mays (First Ward), Maurice Davis (Second Ward), Santino Guerra (Third Ward), Jerri…
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Winfrey defeats Mays for Flint city council president, Galloway elected VP as new configuration kicks in
By Meghan Christian Meeting for the first time Monday night after a swearing-in ceremony just hours before, the new Flint City Council elected two members to serve as its leaders and approved two of Mayor Karen Weaver’s appointments — for chief financial officer and director of public works. Sixth Ward Councilman Herbert Winfrey, returned for…
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Weaver survives recall, city council undergoes major realignment, voter turnout hits 17 percent
By Jan Worth-Nelson Incumbent Mayor Karen Weaver, two years into her four-year term, soundly overcame a recall effort against her triggered by activist Arthur Woodson with 53 percent of the vote. Her closest competitor, longtime city councilman Scott Kincaid, came in a distant second with 32 percent. His defeat means the end of a 32-year…
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