Tag: Huron Consulting Group
Dutta out at UM – Flint as UMF fall enrollment numbers disappoint; “Strategic Transformation” put on hold
By Jan Worth-Nelson Debasish Dutta, chancellor of the University of Michigan – Flint since 2019, is leaving for the University of Illinois as special assistant to the president beginning Sept. 16 for a salary of $425,000. University of Michigan President Santa J. Ono formally announced the departure July 18 in an open letter to the…
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UM – Flint “people’s” group critiques “top down” Strategic Transformation process and challenges “employers as customers” approach
By Jan Worth-Nelson University of Michigan – Flint assistant professor Kimberly Saks adamantly declares she is not “unAmerican.” At a virtual community town hall last week sponsored by a loosely-organized group of faculty, staff, students and alumni who call themselves the “people’s UM-Flint” to distinguish themselves from the official Strategic Transformation process underway at the…
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Analysis: UM – Flint wrestling with implications of Strategic Transformation effort: will liberal arts — or the campus itself — survive?
By Jan Worth-Nelson Pressed by a complex mix of serious financial issues, declining enrollment, momentum to supply expected workforce needs, effects of the pandemic, and even socio-cultural shifts, the University of Michigan – Flint is grappling with the likelihood of major changes in its character and institutional design. It appears the new era is already…
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