Tag: I-475
Commentary: Flint’s I-475 freeway and race: A concrete barrier, or a road to reconciliation?
By Paul Rozycki A therapist trying to analyze Flint’s attitude towards race might use the term bipolar. On one hand, Flint was the first major city to choose an African-American mayor, Floyd McCree. It passed one of the first open housing ordinances in the late 1960s, after a community sleep-in at City Hall. A Republican…
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I-475 corridor community input meeting set for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22 at FIM
By Tom Travis (This article has been updated to reflect a change of venue for the March 22 meeting.) The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has announced another in a series of public meetings for public input on the I-475 corridor for 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22 followed by another presentation at 6:15 p.m. The…
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MDOT earmarks $300 million to rebuild I-475 through Flint – Public comments invited for next 12 months
By Tom Travis The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) has announced it will invest $300 million to rebuild I-475 from Bristol Road to Carpenter Road, estimating the work will begin in the Fall of 2023. The proposed project is an eight-mile span of road and will include bridge repairs and I-69 and I-475 interchange repairs.…
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Transform I-475 to a boulevard? City officials offer ideas, public invited to weigh in
By Coner Segren An ambitious proposal to fill in the 12-lane I-475 through downtown Flint and replace it with 30 acres of land open to development was introduced to the public at a virtual town hall Wednesday hosted by Mayor Sheldon Neeley and his chief of staff Brian Larkin. Neeley and Larkin are seeking community…
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Future of I-475 through downtown Flint topic of Mayor’s online community discussion tonight
A community visioning and input session regarding the future of I-475 at 6:30 p.m. tonight will be hosted by Mayor Sheldon Neeley and Chief of Staff Brian Larkin. With new available state funds, the city expects to resurface a portion of I-475 going through downtown. Neeley is soliciting community input on a proposal to remove…
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