Tag: Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission
Public meeting on city ward redistricting set for 1 p.m. Wed Dec. 8 by Flint Election Commission
By Tom Travis The Flint Election Commission will hold a public meeting regarding the redrawing/redistricting of Flint’s nine wards at 1 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 8 in the City Council Committee room on the third floor of City Hall, 1101 S. Saginaw St. according to a press release from City Clerk Inez Brown. EVM reported previously…
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Commission aims to give residents a voice – no more gerrymandering as voting districts are redrawn
By Tom Travis Residents stood up and spoke up Tuesday at a public hearing at The Dort Federal Event Center on Lapeer Road with their thoughts and comments about redistricting in Michigan. Standing at a podium, residents addressed the new 13-member Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission (ICRC), who sat at tables on an elevated stage looking down…
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Commentary: Fixing gerrymandering–Michigan’s ballot proposal
By Paul Rozycki “Politics is more difficult than physics.” – Albert Einstein Last month’s column took a look at the history and techniques of gerrymandering and its impact on American politics. It’s not hard to see that the process of drawing odd-shaped and unfair election districts favoring one party over another is a major problem…
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