Tag: Jameca Patrick-Singleton
Nestle to continue Ice Mountain water delivery, mayor’s office announces
The following press release was issued today from City Hall: FLINT, Mich. — Mayor Karen Weaver and the City’s Chief Recovery Officer, Jameca Patrick-Singleton, announced today that Nestlé Waters North America will continue supplying Ice Mountain®Brand 100% Natural Spring Water to Flint residents. “We appreciate that Nestlé Waters has agreed to extend supplying bottled water beyond…
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Good news, bad news: Summit panel shares results of one-on-one resident data
By Patsy Isenberg Flint residents are feeling somewhat better about the city’s recovery from the water crisis than in the challenging days when it first started in 2014, according to a panel of city officials at last week’s 3rd Annual Resiliency and Environmental Justice Summit, subtitled “Shine Your Light.” But results from interviews and surveys…
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Recycling participation, PODS updates highlight FNU monthly meeting
By Sherrema Bower The City of Flint’s recycling program and the closing of Points of Distribution Sites (PODS) were topics of interest at the Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU) monthly meeting at Woodside Church, Saturday, Sept. 9. About 25 people attended, representing a variety of community groups. Heather Griffin, waste services coordinator at the City…
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