Tag: Jan Worth-Nelson
Concerned Pastors deliver blistering salvo at Councilman Scott Kincaid, City Council
By Jan Worth-Nelson A powerful consortium of Flint clergy, the Concerned Pastors for Social Action, a group which has consistently weighed in in support of Mayor Karen Weaver, today stood in the lobby of Flint City Hall and delivered a blistering salvo at the Flint City Council. In particular, they directed their ire at Councilman Scott Kincaid, who…
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Two bottles instead of one: home water testing enters new phase, MDEQ rep explains
By Jan Worth-Nelson This article was updated at 1 p.m. Monday Oct. 3. A year after Flint residents first started testing their water, making Flint into what experts now describe as “the most monitored city in America,” residents are being asked not just to continue but to change their home testing process from one bottle to two. George Krisztian,…
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Village Life: City Council meeting a mess of bedlam: is this how Flint reclaims self-rule?
By Jan Worth-Nelson This week I lost my city council virginity. It wasn’t pretty. Like most losses of virginity, it wasn’t particularly enjoyable and I’m not sure I want a repeat experience. Some things get better with practice – and are especially improved by having good partners. I don’t know if I can count on any…
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Flint trash decision kicked to curb again in council/mayoral fight
By Jan Worth-Nelson Flint’s trash pickup is once again in limbo due to ongoing disagreement between the City Council and Mayor Karen Weaver. The focus of disagreement is which of two competing potential contractors, the current contractor, Republic Services, Inc. and the one favored by the mayor, Rizzo Environmental Services, has provided the “lowest responsible bid.”…
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Water crisis writer Anna Clark takes EVM into national spotlight, probes many Flint stories
By Jan Worth-Nelson In a surprise outcome related to the Flint water crisis, East Village Magazine has been featured in a standard-bearing national journal, The Columbia Journalism Review. In an article titled “In Flint, a new era for one of the oldest community outlets in the U.S.” Detroit freelance writer Anna Clark described the magazine as…
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Village Life: scratch a Flintoid these days, you’ll find a chemist
By Jan Worth-Nelson One Thursday in August, as Virginia Tech researcher Marc Edwards was presenting his most recent findings to the cameras and lights nearby, another less glamorous group of us — me a lone reporter in the third row — were sitting restlessly in a chemistry class at City Hall. It was actually a…
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Village Life: It’s been a little hard to write about nuthatches
By Jan Worth-Nelson I’d really like to go back to writing about nuthatches. A buddy of mine recently gently noted that my Village Life columns seem to have strayed from the easy-going neighborly flavor of my early years on the back page (or tucked into some weekend post online, like here and now). This observer…
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“Things went tragically wrong in Flint,” Schuette says, charging six more in water crisis
By Jan Worth-Nelson Declaring “The families of Flint will not be forgotten,” Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette on Friday announced criminal charges against six state employees alleged to be implicated in the Flint water crisis. “Many things went tragically wrong in Flint,” Schuette said. “Some people failed to act, others minimized harm done and arrogantly…
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Flint water crisis “a shocking denial of what should be a right,” NRDC expert tells visiting scribes
By Jan Worth-Nelson At the heart of the Flint water crisis is “a failure and a shocking denial of what should be a right…a failure at every level of government,” an attorney for the Natural Resource Defense Council told a group of environmental journalists meeting in Flint July 22. What has happened in Flint is…
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Keep the heat on the Flint story, UM-Flint Chancellor and residents tell national journalists
By Jan Worth-Nelson Don’t let the “Flint story” drop out of view, UM – Flint Chancellor Susan Borrego and local residents implored a panel of national environmental journalists meeting in Flint last weekend. What’s at stake is not abandoning a city whose struggles are of national significance, Borrego said. “Flint was important in the history…
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