Tag: Jerri Winfrey Carter
“Unconscionable” and “blatant filibustering” – Mayor Neeley accuses City Council; work on last 500 water lines halted by council’s inaction
By Tom Travis Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley Tuesday scolded the City Council in a scathing statement released a day after a seven-and-a-half-hour meeting in which the council failed to address a resolution to allow additional funds to complete water pipeline replacement. Seven years into the city’s water crisis, 500 water lines remain to be checked…
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Public Hearings to be held throughout April on Flint’s $71 million budget
By Tom Travis The City of Flint’s $71 million budget will be discussed in public hearings held by the city council on four days in April. The city council will hold departmental budget hearings for both the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 city budgets. According to a press release from the city council and finance committee chair…
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Flint City Council’s “failure to act” jeopardizes completion of service line replacement project, Mayor Neeley says
By Tom Travis On Wednesday Mayor Sheldon Neeley released a statement scolding the council for a “failure to act” on a resolution that would allow for additional $500,000 in funding towards the “Fast Start” water line replacement. Neeley added that the council’s “failure to act” on that resolution “jeopardizes completion of Flint service line replacement…
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Forty-three Flint residents so far vie for a seat on the tumultuous city council
By Tom Travis As the Flint City Council falls further from decorum and civility, a weary community can look forward to a Fall 2021 election with all nine council members up for re-election. Nominating petitions became available in February, with candidates required to obtain 75 signatures from voters in their ward to qualify to run.…
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City Council attempts at “decorum” and “civility” training descend into chaos
By Tom Travis Moments into Monday night’s virtual Flint City Council meeting, discussion descended into chaos and arguing over whether the public should be allowed to speak. It was a squabble which set the stage for a planned training session on decorum and civil debate. After more than an hour of wrangling, the council ultimately…
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Council delays water settlement vote until Thursday, Dec. 17, ‘yes’ vs ‘no’ votes seem to be shifting sand yet
By Tom Travis City Council postponed until Thursday a vote on the $20 million portion of the $641 million water crisis settlement. In a six and half hour meeting, with the first two hours spent bickering over rules and procedures, the council questioned attorneys at length about the water crisis settlement. At Monday’s meeting, it…
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Council votes down hiring elections monitor for November election
By Tom Travis Reeling from a primary election fraught with problems and lawsuits, the Flint City Council this week considered a motion to assist the City Clerk Inez Brown and the Clerk’s office as they prepare for the critical November 2020 election. The stakes are high. After all, a foundation of democracy is the vote.…
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City Council considers contracts, appointments, Juneteenth, property purchase, and $800K in water treatment chemicals
By Tom Travis At the June 22 City Council meeting, disputes between council members resulted in two councilpersons being ejected and three councilpersons voluntarily leaving the meeting in protest. With five of the nine council members gone from the meeting quorum was lost. The often contentious panel re-convened two days later, June 24, and this…
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City Council adopts $73 million budget with a looming $32 million for city retirees
By Tom Travis The Flint City Council adopted a $73 million budget Tuesday after a five hour meeting with a 6-3 vote. Councilpersons Eric Mays (1st Ward), Jerri Winfrey-Carter (5th Ward) and Council President Monica Galloway (7th Ward) voted against adopting the budget. After a seven-hour Special City Council meeting Monday night that failed to…
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City Council adjourns due to lack of quorum; budget session continues for 3 hours
By Tom Travis Facing a June 1 deadline for adopting a city budget, Flint City Council attempted to convene an electronic special meeting Thursday, but ran aground when not enough councilpersons signed in. The meeting was scheduled for 1 p.m. By 1:15 p.m. only four council members were present, so Council President Monica Galloway (7th…
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