Tag: Joe Schipani
Central Park celebrates new mural on East Village Magazine building
By Harold C. Ford “Basically, the idea behind the mural is we don’t need to hate each other.” –Murales Lian, muralist Flint’s Central Park Neighborhood Association (CPNA) will celebrate the completion of a new mural on the wall of the East Village Magazine (EVM) building, 720 E. Second St., by artist Murales Lian on Thursday,…
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Residents convene, share and reflect at “Connect the Blocks” Flint Neighborhood Summit
By Jan Worth-Nelson Qualities of neighborliness–collaboration, cooperation, valuing each person’s worth– were on full display Saturday at the “Connect the Blocks” Flint Neighborhood Summit at the Flint Food Bank. “Value people,” said Megan Heysa, president of the Eastside Improvement Association, whose group planted flowers and painted 53 porches last year. “You’re dealing with human beings–work…
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“Neighbors Changing Flint” third session explores reuses of vacant lots
By Luther Houle Ashley Everhart, agency director of the Neighborhood Engagement Hub, began the third meeting of the series “Neighbors Changing Flint” with an eye-opening statistic. “Within the city’s boundaries, we have almost 60,000 vacant lots,” she said, citing the Flint Property Portal, a popular website for identifying lot owners and status. She said that…
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International and local artists collaborate to brighten bookstore’s walls, city’s image
By Patsy Isenberg and Jan Worth-Nelson A cold, rainy October week didn’t deter a scrum of international mural artists, drawn to Flint by its reputation, by the efforts of a local arts promoter, and by the lure of a series of inviting blank walls at Totem Bookstore, 620 W. Court St. Binho Ribeiro of Brazil;…
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