Tag: John Henry
“Sons: Seeing the Modern African American Male” exhibition opens at the Flint Institute of Arts
By Tom Travis Aiming to go beyond a photographic study, photographer Jerry Taliaferro hopes his exhibit will help the community explore “perceptions and biases” towards Black men. “Recent events point to the urgent need for conversations about the contemporary Black American male,” Taliaferro said in a press release accompanying the show. “Any effort, however humble,…
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Local group hands out $20,000 to Flint teachers as 30-year tradition continues in pandemic
By Tom Travis Flint teachers were awarded $20,000, in gifts of $100 each, by the Flint Classroom Support Fund (FCSF) on Thursday. The contributions are given to each of the 200 Flint Community School (FCS) teachers from a COVID Rescue Grant to use towards their classroom needs. The annual event was hosted by the Flint…
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Review: Semaj Brown at the FIA a poet, a priestess, a force of nature borne of anger and love
By Jan Worth-Nelson In the opening of Semaj Brown’s Jan. 26 performance at the Flint Institute of Arts, FIA director John Henry described Brown, Flint’s first poet laureate, as a “science-driven author, dramatist, playwright, and educator who builds inter-disciplinary curriculum.” And since Brown’s appointment as poet laureate by former Mayor Karen Weaver last year, she…
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“Miracles and Glory Abound”: Artwork of Vanessa German at FIA through April 20
By Harold C. Ford Editor’s Note: EVM staff writer Harold C. Ford also is a provisional docent at the Flint Institute of Arts (FIA) and was present in a dual capacity during a walk-through of Vanessa German’s new exhibit at the FIA Jan. 25. Miracles and Glory Abound opened to the general public Jan. 27. “The…
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Second arts millage town hall yields more questions and calls for support
By Jan Worth-Nelson It seemed clear nobody in the audience for the second town hall on the proposed Arts Education and Cultural Enrichment millage up for a vote Aug. 7 was opposed to the arts. Nina Jones Lewis, who moderated both panels, echoed several speakers in her concluding summary, “Yes, we’re poor and yes, we…
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First arts millage Town Hall elicits support for “transformative” art, airs concerns on FYT, accountability
By Jan Worth-Nelson A full complement of Flint Cultural Center directors and other arts CEOs appeared Thursday night to make their case and answer questions at the New McCree Theater at the first of two town halls on the Arts Education and Cultural Enrichment millage up for a county-wide vote Aug. 7. Most of the…
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“Glass is light” in stunning new additions at Flint Institute of Arts opening April 21
By Jan Worth-Nelson The ribbon-cutting at 10:30 a.m. April 21 of the Flint Institute of Arts blockbuster new wing, galleries, and studios will be the climax of a story rivaling the best door-stop novel. It is about a middle-aged woman’s third marriage to a furniture baron named Glass, and how, maybe on a whim, she…
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Michigan Radio comes to Flint: good, bad, hopeful and angry narratives emerge
By Jan Worth-Nelson Is Flint a city rich with art, a beautiful recuperating river and a school district offering first-rate primary school education, or is it a traumatized community rife with fear, anger and damage, where nobody drinks the water? It turns out it’s both, according to presenters at a taping in front of a live…
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Review: Flint’s “Women of a New Tribe” show shines at FIA
By Harold C. Ford I’m a woman Phenomenally. Phenomenal woman, That’s me. Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, Just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise. …from “Phenomenal Woman” and “Still I Rise,” Maya Angelou, 1978 American literary giant Angelou, who died in 2014, last graced Flint in…
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