Tag: Jr.
Kildee names blight, development as top priorities, calls for aging cities “Marshall Plan” at FNU appearance
By Coner Segren Even though Genesee County has received about $67.5 million through the federal Hardest Hit Fund (HHF) to eliminate blight—funds which have funded demolition of 5,000 vacant properties—much more is needed, U.S. Fifth District Congressman Dan Kildee told participants at the March meeting of Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU). Addressing residents’ concerns about how…
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Transparency, transition to AECOM highlight first mayor’s FAST Start forum
By Meghan Christian With a stated effort toward transparency, Mayor Karen Weaver held the first of several community forums planned for 2018 on Thursday, Feb. 1 to update residents on the progress of the FAST Start pipe replacement program and to introduce AECOM, the company that has come on as project manager for the work.…
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The fabric of Flint: Good Beans owner Ken Van Wagoner weaves coffee, community spirit
By Jeffery L Carey Jr Despite the travails of Flintstones, there is an underlying spirit–or as Ken Van Wagoner, owner of one of Flint’s enduring hangouts, the Good Beans Café, describes it, “a shared feeling of tenacity” where “we’re all a fabric that is holding each other together.” He himself is a prime example of…
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Review: Flint welcomes Lakisha home in joyful combo with Flint Symphony, Michigan Men’s Glee Club
By Patsy Isenberg On a frigid Saturday night at The Whiting Auditorium, Flint’s own Lakisha Jones, a 2007 fourth place finalist on American Idol, came home for a love-fest performance with the Flint Symphony Orchestra. It was Jan. 13 and Jones’s 38th birthday. Eugene Rogers conducted and the Michigan Men’s Glee Club added their voices…
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