Tag: Kate Fields
Galloway elected Flint city council president, Mays vice president
By Luther Houle Following Mayor Neeley’s swearing-in at City Hall, Flint City Council held its own election at 5 p.m. Monday Nov. 11 to decide who would lead council meetings in the coming year. Seventh Ward Councilperson Monica Galloway was elected president, with First Ward Councilperson Eric Mays chosen vice president. He also will head…
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Flint city council already battling over leadership; vote for new president set for Monday Nov. 11
By Tom Travis Just a few hours after the noon swearing in of Mayor-elect Sheldon Neeley in City Hall Monday, the Flint City Council (FCC) will meet. City Clerk Inez Brown will begin that meeting, at 5 p.m. in council chambers. The first order of business will be a vote on council leadership for…
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Costume commentary on council carryings-on: “If they clown, I clown”
By Tom Travis One Flint resident who frequently attends Flint City Council meetings finally had enough, quietly donning a costume with a pointed message at the Oct. 23 session. Here is how it happened: Twice a month the Flint City Council meets in committee sessions. There are several committees that meet through out the year…
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Council fails to pass recreational pot ordinance; has till Nov. 1 to act
By Luther Houle An uncharacteristic turnout of about 60 Flint residents appeared at the Oct. 14 City Council meeting to voice their opinions and observe the city’s legislative process. Their reason for coming: a proposed “opt-out” ordinance that would limit which businesses would be able to get recreational marijuana licenses. After a public hearing and…
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Flint City Council chaos continues: Mays and Gilcreast’s attorney face off
By Tom Travis Meeting in committee sessions Wednesday night, the Flint City Council’s attempt to get answers from City Hall about the handling of bids and rebids for restoration work following water pipeline replacement in the city ended in a shouting match between First Ward Councilman Eric Mays and the attorney for Mayor Karen Weaver’s…
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Flint City Council OKs Chevy Commons sale to Genesee County, rescinds ZMW lease, supports bid protest
By Luther Houle The Flint City Council voted Aug. 26 to sell Flint’s Chevy Commons to Genesee County for $6.2 million in a plan to restore and improve Flint’s riverside parks. The council also passed a resolution to rescind a lease with water bottling company Zero Mass Water, and supported Austin Morgan Contracting in…
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Council gets crime summary, considers anti-bullying and pot policies and Chevy Commons purchase
By Tom Travis The Flint City Council last week considered anti-bullying and pot policies for city employees, tabled a proposal for Genesee County to purchase Chevy Commons, and heard a plea for more resources for the Flint Police Department. The work occurred as the council convened as two specialized “committees of the whole,” the legislative…
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City Council update: another week, another five-hour squabbling session
By Tom Travis The air conditioning was running full blast but tempers were hot and emotions on edge as the Flint City Council met as the Finance Committee of the Whole Wednesday night. In a context in which council squabbling among themselves and with city officials has been an every-week occurrence, subjects of the turmoil…
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Nine hours, shouting match, two resolutions, one fail, “restoration” plans incomplete
By Tom Travis and Jan Worth-Nelson Editor’s Note: This story has been updated on July 23 to clarify that Ninth Ward Councilperson Eva Worthing was temporarily out of the room during the vote on the Goyette resolution. She said she would have noted “no,” That vote would not have changed the outcome. In a nearly…
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Commentary: A funny thing happened on the way to the election
By Paul Rozycki Note: This column has been updated for a correction via City Clerk Inez Brown: it was the city’s Finance Department that initially omitted the $320,000 in the budget for this year’s election, not the City Council–Ed. For most cities, villages, and townships, an election is a pretty routine thing. Candidates file, their…
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