Tag: League of Women Voters
Commentary: An August primary primer–how it’s different and why its important
By Paul Rozycki In a time of the COVID-19 virus, economic shutdowns, Black Lives Matter protests, and 500-year floods, it’s difficult to focus on something as routine as an August primary election. Even in “normal” times, the primary is often overshadowed by summer vacations, county fairs, and car cruises, and the turnout is usually low.…
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League of Women Voters gala celebrates 100 years with history, speeches, unveilings
By Jan Worth-Nelson The League of Women Voters of the Flint Area celebrated its 100th birthday at Factory One Friday night, Valentine’s Day, with a gala that offered a lot of love to democracy, to the vote, and to multiple accomplishments of women, including progress in reaching elected office at all levels. The theme of…
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99 years of women’s right to vote celebrated at Crossroads Village
By Paul Rozycki It’s been almost a century since women won the right to vote in the United States. The 99th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted women that long fought-for right, was commemorated Aug. 31, at Crossroads Village by nearly 100 women (and some men) dressed as they might have…
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Super volunteer, Beecher coach, labor/environmental justice priest honored with Riegle Community Service Awards
By Jan Worth-Nelson Three lifelong activists with deep roots in Flint will be honored Thursday, Sept. 12 as recipients of the 30th annual Donald Riegle Community Service Awards. The three are League of Women Voters leader Rhina Griffel, Beecher High School football coach and former NFL star Courtney Hawkins, and Christ the King Catholic Church…
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Analysis/Commentary: Who votes, who doesn’t, and why it matters
Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting. –Franklin D. Roosevelt Our American heritage is threatened as much by our own indifference as it is by the most unscrupulous office or by the most…
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Tendaji forum highlights inequality, racism and why people don’t vote
By Paul Rozycki As part of the Tendaji Talks, the Flint Public Library hosted the first of a series of presentations sponsored by Neighborhoods Without Borders on “Racism and the Midterm Election.,” Tuesday evening. Two speakers highlighted the connection between the denial of voting rights, the loss of power, and economic inequality. Hubert Roberts, a…
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Panel tackles gender inequities, predicts “a massive year for women”
By Harold C. Ford “One woman can make a difference…We’re on the precipice of a big change.” –Donna Motsinger, Bill Cosby accuser to National Public Radio, April 27, 2018 With the backdrop of a “Me Too”movement that hints at a sea change, last week five Flint panelists tackled the tough issues of gender inequity in…
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Gerrymandering Part Three: going to court
By Paul Rozycki Just when you thought you’ve heard enough about gerrymandering, and the ballot proposals to end it—there is one more line of attack. Now the courts are getting involved. Two previous columns in past issues of East Village Magazine (Part One here, Part Two here) have outlined the problems and history of gerrymandering, drawing oddly shaped…
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Michigan political system topic of Wednesday, Thursday Flint Area Public Affairs forums
By Megan Ockert Michigan’s emergency manager law, education, management of the public purse, and oversight of Michigan’s political system are featured topics of two free public forums this week. They are scheduled for 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26. at the Happenings Room in the UM – Flint University Center; and 5 to 7:30…
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