Tag: Loyce Driskell
Ombudsperson search process moves forward: Ethics Accountability Board to set interviews soon
By Melodee Mabbitt Flint residents could meet their new ombudsperson as soon as September. This was announced by the Ethics and Accountability Board at a press conference in city council chambers July 23 to reveal the hiring process for the position. Applications closed July 12 and interviews will begin in August. Board members said they…
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City of Flint facing allegations of failure to follow Open Meetings Act, FOIA and City Charter
By Melodee Mabbitt An attempt to follow the story of Flint’s pipeline replacement led a Flint resident to file a complaint to Genesee County Circuit Court, now under consideration by Judge Kay Behm, alleging that the City of Flint failed to follow the Open Meetings Act, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and the Flint City…
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Flint City Council February Roundup: Despite mutual distrust, actions inch forward
By Meghan Christian The second month of 2019 brought yet more conflict and distrust to the Flint City Council (FCC) members and residents who attended the month’s three regular meetings. Regardless of the conflicts, however, the council continued dialogue on the state of the pipe replacement program and made some progress with the Ethics and…
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City Ethics and Accountability Board plods through formative stages: no ombudsman yet
By Meghan Christian The Flint Ethics and Accountability Board (EAB) has passed another month since it was established by the new City Charter 18 months ago without hiring an ombudsman, one of the group’s main jobs. But the group did welcome a new member, addressed potential issues with accepting complaints, and discussed plans for 2019…
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Ethics and Accountability Board progress slow to implement charter; no ombudsperson yet
By Meghan Christian The City of Flint Ethics and Accountability Board (EAB) has made some progress getting organized since it first convened in August, but the body still has yet to appoint an ombudsperson, one of the conditions outlined in the new city charter. During their last meeting Sept. 25, members provided updates on tasks…
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Ethics Accountability Board’s slow start: no quorum at second meeting
By Meghan Christian The second meeting of the Ethics and Accountability Board (EAB) was unable to convene on Aug. 9 due to lack of quorum. Only three of the new board’s eleven members were present. While the meeting could not be officially called, Interim Chairperson John Daly briefly discussed meeting times moving forward with the…
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Flint’s new Ethics and Accountability Board convenes, gets organized at first meeting
By Meghan Christian The new Ethics and Accountability Board (EAB), an overseeing body required by the City of Flint’s new charter, held its first meeting Aug. 2. Board members began with organizational tasks, appointing John Daly from the Eighth Ward as interim chairperson and Pastor Allen Gilbert of the Seventh Ward as vice-chairperson. They also…
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Two-to-one “yes” votes usher in new charter; City Council incumbents face challengers
By Jan Worth-Nelson The Flint Charter revision, developed after two years’ work by a nine-member elected commission and a multitude of community hearings and forums, passed with a whopping 64% of the vote in the Tuesday election. The new charter, set to take effect in January, calls for broad provisions to buttress ethical accountability, re-establish…
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