Education Beat : Flint School Board selects Kevelin Jones as superintendent
By Harold C. Ford This article has been updated to show the correct date Anita Stewart became FCS Superintendent which was June 2020 and not as we originally reported as being January 2021. EVM Editors. The Flint Board of Education (FBOE) named Kevelin Jones superintendent of the Flint Community Schools (FCS) at its Nov. 17 meeting.…
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Education Beat: Flint schools test scores show modest gain, still lag behind area, state averages
By Harold C. Ford Test scores for students in Flint Community Schools (FCS) showed modest gains in 2018-2019, but lagged significantly behind “similar students” and state averages, according to data released the last week of August by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE). Michigan Student Test of Educational Progress (M-STEP) scores in Grades 3-7 show…
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