Tag: Mark Sinila
“Hire local,” union picketers urge at Flint Cultural Center Academy site; FCCC: “We did.” Contractor: “We are local.”
By Jan Worth-Nelson Ed: This story has been updated to add comments from Houston Mellentine, lead foreman for Structural Precast Services, a subcontractor on the Flint Cultural Center project. A group of picketers from several local unions at the construction site of the Flint Cultural Center Academy say they will stay at the site “until…
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First arts millage Town Hall elicits support for “transformative” art, airs concerns on FYT, accountability
By Jan Worth-Nelson A full complement of Flint Cultural Center directors and other arts CEOs appeared Thursday night to make their case and answer questions at the New McCree Theater at the first of two town halls on the Arts Education and Cultural Enrichment millage up for a county-wide vote Aug. 7. Most of the…
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FCC execs offer further detail on arts millage: as donor base shrinks, how to assure a “feel good” place
By Jan Worth-Nelson NOTE: We’ve moved this to the top as a reminder: Citizens for A Better Genesee County, the volunteer group which proposed and is promoting the proposal, has scheduled town halls for 7 p.m. Thursday, July 19 at the New McCree Theater, 2040 W. Carpenter Rd.; and 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 24 at…
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As two big endorsements back county-wide arts millage for Aug. 7 vote, advocates address citizen concerns
By Jan Worth-Nelson The Flint & Genesee Chamber of Commerce (FGCC) and the Board of Education of the Genesee Intermediate School District (GISD) both endorsed the proposed Genesee County Arts Education and Cultural Enrichment millage proposal up for a county-wide vote Aug. 7 in statements issued this week. The .96 mill, 10-year proposal, estimated to…
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Ground broken for Flint Cultural Center K-8 charter school, C.S. Mott commits $35 million, FCS said no
By Harold C. Ford An array of Flint area nonprofit and political leaders gathered Tuesday on the campus of the Flint Cultural Center (FCC) to break ground for a new nonprofit charter school that will serve up to 650 students each…
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