Tag: Mayor Sheldon Neeley
City of Flint to offer cash for guns at buyback event while state police work on destruction solution
By Kate Stockrahm The City of Flint Police Department will offer residents cash for guns turned in during a gun bounty event on Feb. 3, 2024. The buyback, which will take place from 12 to 5 p.m. at Cathedral of Faith Church, is the first the city will host since a New York Times investigation…
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Commentary: The Flint water crisis criminal prosecution ends — landing another blow to the public trust
By Paul Rozycki What if the next winner of the Super Bowl was determined, not by players scoring touchdowns or field goals, but one team winning because of a referee’s ruling over someone being offside or taking too much time in the huddle? There would be an outcry that the game was decided by the…
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Flint City Hall now a “Gun Free Zone” — Councilperson still open carrying
By Tom Travis Update – since publication the Mayor’s office has issued a statement clarifying the location of the 67th District Court within City Hall. The statement is located at the end of this article. ~ Editor Monday afternoon Mayor Sheldon Neeley declared City Hall “A Gun Free Zone.” At the front entrance a sign…
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“I don’t feel safe” Councilperson Ladel Lewis says at press conference after receiving violent threats against her and her family
By Tom Travis Update: Since publication Councilpersons Tonya Burns (Ward 6) and Jerri Winfrey-Carter (Ward 5) have emailed statements to EVM. Those comments have been included in this article. Councilperson Quincy Murphy (Ward 3) has told EVM that he has not received a threat. ~ Editor “Unfortunately we are experiencing some unprecedented events at City…
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New library director, Taliah Abdullah, at welcome reception says, “I would just like for us to get to know each other and to explore ways to enhance the wellbeing of our community”
By Canisha Bell and Jan Worth-Nelson “We are in such good hands. I would just like for us to get to know each other and to explore ways to enhance the wellbeing of our community,” Taliah Abdullah, new executive director of the Gloria Coles Flint Public Library (GCFPL) said to a crowd of about 50…
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Commentary: Allie Herkenroder’s words speak to all of us
By Paul Rozycki “I consider the abuse from council directly (related) to my mental and physical concerns.” Seventh Ward Councilwoman Allie Herkenroder, on her reasons for resigning from the Flint City Council Can the experience of one individual be a mirror and a metaphor for a whole city or even a nation? Allie Herkenroder’s resignation…
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Council considers an update to the city’s employee compensation schedule; and a $474,000 invoice from MDOT
By Tom Travis Council considered 12 resolutions in the finance committee at last night’s meeting. Including a resolution for the payment of a $474,000 invoice from MDOT for damage caused by a former city of Flint employee to an overpass in Flint Township and another resolution that seeks an updated city employee compensation schedule that…
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Budget hearings conclude; council chaos continues with loud racial accusations
By Tom Travis This article has been updated with information of a budget hearing call back set for 5:30 p.m. Thursday, May 18. The Water Pollution Control department and the Purchasing/Finance department budget hearing will be held in the Genesee County Administration building on the third floor. The city council concluded the final scheduled budget…
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“We have chaos in the chamber” – Council Vice-President Ladel Lewis struggles to keep order in Monday’s boisterous meeting
By Tom Travis The City Council meeting spiraled into a chaotic abyss on Monday night. The special affairs committee began at 4:30 p.m. and ended at 9:30 p.m. after five hours of mostly arguing and bickering amongst the council. Additionally, there was a group of vocal members of the public that spoke during public speaking…
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