Tag: Mayor Sheldon Neeley
Mayor Sheldon Neeley, Cynthia Neeley jointly endorse Joe Biden
By Jan Worth-Nelson In a brief press release issued Sunday night, Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley and his wife, State House of Representative candidate Cynthia Neeley, issued what they called a “dual presidential endorsement” for former Vice President Joe Biden. “Former Vice President Joe Biden has long been a friend of working people, and working alongside…
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“Zero layoffs” and “no more raiding the Water and Sewer fund” in Mayor Neeley’s 2021 city budget
By Tom Travis Mayor Sheldon Neeley presented a balanced 2021 budget to the Flint City Council Monday that calls for total revenues of $56.9 million and total expenditures of $71.3 million, using city savings from its previous general fund balance to make up the difference. Neeley vowed to stop budget practices used by previous administrations…
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City Council Beat: Council acts on 11 resolutions, Mays ejected again
By Tom Travis Mayor Sheldon Neeley was not present Monday night at a special city council meeting that he had called. All nine councilpersons were present for the meeting, along with nearly 70 audience members, several media outlets, members of the city administration and even a U.S. presidential candidate. Neeley had called the special council…
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Mayor Neeley makes a move, calling Flint City Council into session for unfinished business
By Tom Travis In an unusual move, Flint Mayor Sheldon Neeley is hauling the Flint City Council into session at a special council meeting set for 5 p.m. Monday, Feb 17. In a press release issued by city administration, Neeley said, “It is critically important that city business be completed in a timely manner. This…
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New Meter – New Start program to give residents fresh start on water bills with new meters
By Tom Travis Flint residents are being given a fresh start on their water bill amounts as a $9.2 million program to replace and install new water meters continues city-wide, Mayor Sheldon Neeley announced at a press conference Friday. Joined by Flint City Council Vice President Maurice Davis (2nd Ward) and Councilperson Eva Worthing (9th…
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“Resilience” a pivotal story of Flint, Lt. Gov. Gilchrist says in City Hall visit
By Jan Worth-Nelson State of Michigan Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist said today under the dome in City Hall he has learned that “resilience is a matter of pride” in the city of Flint, and that is one of its messages to the rest of the country. Hosted by Mayor Sheldon Neeley for part of his…
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Census “Mayoral Complete Count” effort kicks off — with $1,800 per person per year at stake
By Jan Worth-Nelson $1,800 per person per year. That is the key number in why the upcoming national census matters. As Flint city officials explained in a kickoff press conference Friday at City Hall, the census determines how $675 billion in federal dollars is distributed nationwide every year for the next 10 years. That means…
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Psychological effects of water crisis, blight, meter replacement among FNU January topics
By Tammy Beckett Flint Neighborhoods United (FNU) kicked off the new year at their monthly meeting Jan. 4 with a presentation about the psychological effects of the Flint water crisis, admonitions to get water meters replaced, and facilitated discussion from FNU President Carma Lewis about what the gathering of mostly civic leaders should pursue in…
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AG Nessel rolls out legal team at new Flint office: now what?
By Harold C. Ford “The Flint water crisis is not over.” –Fadwa Hammoud, Michigan Solicitor General, Dec. 19, 2019 In front of several dozen citizens and a scrum of media, and with a panoramic…
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